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Bob Ladouceur’s press conference address

Following is Coach Bob Ladouceur’s speech that formally announced his decision to step down as De La Salle’s football coach after 34 years and 399 career wins. The speech began after an introduction by De La Salle Principal, Brother Robert Wickman, and a 30-second standing ovation from the theatre full of gathered media, faculty, current and former players, and supportive members of the community. Ladouceur was treated to a second standing ovation at the conclusion of the address.

Thank you, Brother Robert. Those were some very kind words. I don’t know if I could live up to all those for sure, but at least I gave it my best, so… thank you so much. And thank everyone else for coming today, I really appreciate the turnout. I didn’t anticipate a turnout like this, but thank you for your time and for listening to this transition that will take place for De La Salle. 


I’d like to first start off by thanking those responsible for my 34-year journey as football coach at this school. First I want to thank the Brothers of the Christian Schools who hired me at the age of 24 to be a teacher and coach at this outstanding school. I especially want to thank Principal, Brother Robert Wickman, and President Mark DeMarco for their outstanding vision, leadership and unparalleled stewardship of De La Salle High School. They’ve been the two best administrators that I’ve ever worked for at this school, and they’re amazing about how they go about their business in conducting our school in a real positive and righteous direction. 


Throughout my career I’ve often heard that I coach with an unfair advantage. And that is true. My advantage is working at a school that is grounded in the philosophy and tradition of its founder, St. John Baptist De La Salle. The most important aspect of this tradition, is understanding that every student must take personal responsibility for building community, both inside and outside the school. 


Albert Einstein said it best when he stated that after all the facts and discoveries that he found throughout his research there was only one thing that he knew for certain, and that was that men was basically here for the sake of other men. 


What a great environment to build and raise an athletic team. Community and team building not only takes place on our practice fields, it’s practiced every day and in every corner of this school. Our teams have been just an extension of what this school stands for. 


Everyone who has played or coached football understands that it is impossible for one man to manage a successful team. I would like to thank and acknowledge my coaching staff. One of the coaches of a playoff team that we played this year, and I can’t remember if it was James Logan or Folsom or Centennial, made a statement in the press that read “De La Salle has probably the best staff in America.” I’ve been saying that for years. I was thrilled to have an outsider recognize that fact. 


Football here has always been a collaborative effort. My management style has always been to utilize the ideas and talents of the coaches I’ve worked with, and allow them to do what they do best: motivate, coach and teach. Our students have been blessed to have such outstanding coaches. They are perfect role models for integrity, hard work, and a complete dedication to the development of the total person. These exceptional coaches are: Donnie Boyce who coaches our safeties and special teams; Terrell Ward who coached our cornerbacks; Steve Jacoby, defensive line; Blake Tuffli, recievers and our scout team; Justin Alumbaugh, offensive line and outside linebackers; Joe Aliotti covered academics and administration. 


My last two coaches have been with me the longest. Mark Panella, who quarterbacked our second NCS championship team in 1984. Since then, Mark has served in the program in various positions. He’s the best quarterbacks coach I’ve ever been around. And he’s helped me manage the offensive side of the ball, and he redirected or redesigned our playbook to make it more user-friendly. And last, but certainly not least, Terry Eidson has been literally my co-head coach for 32 years. He has coordinated defensive side of the ball and special teams for over 25 years. I think it’s 28 years to be exact. I’ve never met anyone who loves sports and coaching as much as Terry. He is a master motivator and has created defenses that have consistently throughout the years, set records and held virtually all of the highest-powered offense to their lowest offensive outputs of their seasons. When I say he’s good, he has the facts to back it up. 


I’d also like to thank our athletic director Leo Lopoz, for doing what all great athletic directors do. He understands the time commitment of coaching. Leo took on a lot of my administrative responsibilities so I could spend more time planning, preparing and coaching on the field. 


The reason I’m stepping down as head coach is because it is a good time to do so. I’m not stepping away from coaching. I’ll still be involved in some capacity in the program, probably mentoring the younger teams also. I’m going to allow Justin to have all the autonomy. I don’t want to be looking over his shoulder. He is in complete control of this program now. 


However, 34 years as a coach is a long time. It’s a good time for this transition and Justin is the perfect choice to take over. I coached Justin on both sides of the ball for three years when he was a student at De La Salle for the seasons of 95 through 97. He started coaching here while he was still in college at UCLA. Right then I knew he was destined to be a teacher and coach, and I pushed him in that direction. My intuition about Justin has been correct. He is a gifted and outstanding coach. He has built on the foundation he received as a player, and has surpassed my knowledge as to what takes place on the field. Especially on defense. His greatest strength is his ability to recognize game-time breakdowns and make on-the-spot adjustments. He’s got a great eye for the field as the game unfolds. He prepares the players well in the offseason and the kids love working for him. The program is in good and capable hands. There’s going to be great days ahead for De La Salle football.


Finally and most important, I’d like to thank all the athletes that have played in the football program over my tenure. It was their hard work and dedication that inspired me to turn around and work just as hard for them. They are the ones that made it so much more than just football. To witness their growth as individuals and strength of team surpassed my wildest dreams. It was everything that any coach could ever hope for and I will be forever grateful to them for their participation and the relationships I’ve developed with them. 


And I want to thank all of you here, especially the media, that covered our teams over the years. Because what you have chronicled is high school student athletes at their finest. It is everything that is positive about sport. It has truly been a testament to what is possible when teenagers are determined to create an authentic team experience, and it’s been just a wonderful ride. 


So thank you, thanks to my coaches, and thanks all of you guys who played and came today, and anybody who has been interested in what we’ve been doing. It is an ending for me, but also somewhat of a beginning, it’s everything that’s been my life. People ask me what am I going to do now. … I really don’t know what I’m going to do now. I’m going to be here teaching. And I’m going to be here helping in any way that I can. 


When you do this head coaching football job “” and Justin I’m sure is aware of it because he’s been working just as much and just as hard as I have “” what you have time for is teaching, coaching, family and about six rounds of golf and that takes up the entire year-long calendar usually. That’s all I’ve known for 34 years. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and I couldn’t have asked for a better career, or a better life. and most important, I couldn’t have asked for a better school to work in. This is an amazing place. There’s a lot of community. There’s a lot of love. There’s a lot of people who are so dedicated to what they do. It’s not about money and it’s not about a paycheck. It’s about a mission, and it’s about walking away from this life making your little acre a little bit better than when you found it. 

I have absolutely no regrets. If I had to do it all over again, I’d do it exactly the same.  

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