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Krossover Game Video Coaching Tool

Coach – basketball season is tipping off! If you haven’t checked out Krossover yet, then you’re not as prepared as you could be.

They are a service that cuts every single possession into its own video clip for you, which they then tag with player and event information – so you can see exactly what happened and who was involved. You don’t have to spend time setting up your game film like you do with those other game film products out there. When you get your film back, it’s ready for you to jump right in and start getting the insight you need to win more games.

Upload Your Game Film “¢ We Break It Down “¢ You Focus On Coaching

When you receive your game film back from us, each event from your game will appear as its own video clip tagged with play and player information that will allow you to search and sort the footage however you’d like. We’ll even extract stats from the footage, giving you everything from basic box score information to advanced analytics that measure your offensive and defensive efficiencies.

What We Break Down For You: 

Their pricing is flexible and depends on your team’s individual needs. Click here and sign up for a quick demo and one of their basketball specialists will get you a quote. Coaches who sign up with this link will get 3 extra scouting games added to their package for free ($150 value).

See Krossover in Action

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