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4 Step Formula: Being Ready To Be A College Athlete

Ready To Become A College Athlete

If your kid is a mature teenager or young adult already in college, this will be really relevant to you.

Have you ever wanted to know the secret formula to get a confident kid (person)? Are you ready to go way deep into the mind of an up-and-coming competitor? I’ve blogged about several basic tips for your athlete and some good stuff for you as an adult-supporter so far. So, lets dive in to how to instill being ready to become a college athlete!

Well, I’m about to share with you the keys to an athlete’s success that took me 10 years of working with athletes and performers to figure out!

Additionally, I’m going to invite you down a rabbit hole with me here if you’re up for it.

There’s a  4-part video series coming up starting with #1 today (link below) about the foundation for everything I do in The R.A.C.E Formula for Mental Toughness.

First, a warning!  These are not 3-minute tips videos.

Lastly, they’re the real deal, and are more like mini-documentaries designed for the sports parent or coach who has a more than a casual interest in kids performance and psychological health.

These R.A.C.E. videos are embedded in everything I do. Including what you are learning here, instilling in your child college ready confidence.

Being Ready To Become A College Athlete: Lets Go. 

I encourage you to check them out and comment / ask me questions. I encourage you to also read the comments below the videos to see how profound this has been for some people. 

Also, I believe my R.A.C.E. Formula is going to be the standard in 5 years because it just simply gets results.

Here’s the first video in the series:

By the way, The R.A.C.E. Formula doesn’t just apply to kids and athletes. I hope you will discover something for yourself personally.

Let’s do this,

Craig Sigl

Mental Toughness Trainer

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