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Don’t use it? You’ll lose it


   It’s officially football season, and if you’re anything like me the world finally seems livable again. I was blessed enough to play football in college and the NFL, and then given the ability to give back to current athletes. 

   What I know distinctly is that the body likes to be as efficient as possible, so with long tiresome practices every day its not in the bodies best interest to hold all that energy consuming muscle mass. 

   So what does the body do? It sheds the extra weight, and that’s very detrimental to the success of an athlete. So how do you bypass this troublesome issue? CONTINUE to lift weights so your body realizes it still needs that mass, strength, and power. 

   Too many athletes train with me in the offseason and get in the best shape of their lives, only to stop cold turkey once the season starts, which results in a weaker, slower, and more out-of-shape athlete than the one who started the season. This happens because there is no effort put into maintenance of the body during the season.

   Now I know what you’re thinking, “I don’t have any time.” Ok, well will you have time once you’re out on an injury to your knee that weakened over time because you stopped squatting and lunging like you did in training in the offseason? 

   Take the time to take care of your body now or later.


Anthony Trucks is the owner of Trucks Training facility in Brentwood and covers weight training for SportStars.

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