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POWERED BY TRUCKS: Have resolve, not a resolution

Welcome to the New Year. If you are anything like the MILLIONS of people across the world you have started this New Year with a resolution to exercise more, lift more weights, get stronger, lose weight, etc. The problem with this process is that the major gyms across the country bank on signing people up and locking them into long contracts KNOWING they will not continue working out consistently past the month of February. How do they know this? Simple, people over-train their bodies early on and never come back. 

The reason this takes place is because new gym goers are so adamant about gearing up and tackling this obstacle with the fervor of a starving lion eyeballing a fresh piece of meat, that they do too much work too early and kill their bodies. 

The most important part about starting a new regimen is to think about the process as a marathon and not a sprint. If you haven’t worked out for months, then you need to realize that the harder you train, the longer you need to recover. Overtraining is a very real problem and does considerable damage to muscles, bodily chemicals, your emotional state, and your ability to train safely. So if you train right out of the gates at full speed, and don’t take adequate time in between workouts to recover your muscles, you will end up over training your body and counteracting your entire purpose of starting a new regimen. 

When someone experiences over training they physically and emotionally no longer want to train, which stops the process in it tracks and leaves the person back at square one. Moral of the story: Realize that as long as it took you to get out shape, its going to take double that time to get back into the shape of your dreams. So put on your big boy/girl pants and dig in for the long haul, not the short sprint.

“” Anthony Trucks, former NFL player/Owner of Trucks Training in Brentwood

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