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Take ankle sprains seriously; get treatment


   Ankle sprains commonly occur when participating in sports while wearing inappropriate shoes, or running on uneven surfaces. They are one of the most common injuries an athlete must recover from.

   Ankle sprains are not the same as strains, which affect muscles rather than ligaments. The severity of an ankle sprain depends on whether the ligament is stretched, partially torn, or completely torn. Symptoms can range from pain, soreness, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking.

   Prompt medical attention is needed for any ankle sprain for several reasons. An untreated ankle sprain may lead to chronic ankle instability and weakness. A severe ankle sprain may include a more serious bone fracture that needs treatment.

   Rehabilitation of a sprained ankle needs to begin right away. If there is any delay, the injury may be less likely to heal properly. Treatment consists of rest, ice, compression, elevation (R.I.C.E), and early physical therapy to promote healing. Often times non- steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen are recommended to reduce pain and swelling. Athletes often require an ankle brace during the initial recovery period.

   So remember to seek prompt medical treatment after any ankle sprain to develop a treatment program to recover quickly and properly. 



Sean Dougherty is a foot and ankle specialist for Tri-Valley Orthopedic Specialists in Pleasanton.

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