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In my many years of strength training, there have been three predominant lifts that tower above all in the weight room as the pillars. The squat, deadlift, and the bench press. Then if you were to narrow it down to the most per- formed exercise you would be left with the bench press. Hence the reason there are so many chicken leg lifters in most weight rooms. Lets be honest, it’s a sad truth.


The goal of this lift is to be able to do the most weight possible. For non- athletes it’s usually a masculinity and/or strength thing. For

athletes it actually aids in sprints and pressing opponents off of your body. So I have spent years extensively trying to find out how to best improve this lift.


I happened upon one amazing addition to my workouts, and my clients workouts, that elicited amazing gains. The tricep dip. This exercise has amazing benefits because of the following:


“º”º It’s a free weight exercise so it forces the muscle to stay strong and balanced through a FULL range of motion.


ҼӼ It helps build the triceps, which are paramount in the ability to lock the bar out and not get stuck midway during the bench press lift.


ҼӼ The stability gained during this exercise transfers to the ability to control the bar during bench press, which increases the maximum weight able to be pressed.

I have seen people’s max increase as much as 50 pounds in 6-8 weeks just by incorporating this lift correctly. So don’t be a dip. Start dipping. ✪

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