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Clear the Fear: Nothing Grows in a Toxic Environment

Clear the mental baggage to perform better

Nothing grows in a toxic environment til you clear the fear – that mental baggage we all carry around. So here’s an interesting way to think of things. Young competitors and performers are like plants!

Let’s say you come home from the nursery with a small plant in one of those little plastic trays. You prepare some soil in a large pot or in the ground in your yard and you transfer the little plant over. 

The little plant lasts a couple weeks and then begins to wilt. You’ve been watering it correctly and even putting some fertilizer on it. It’s getting the right amount of light… but the plant doesn’t grow. It barely survives.

Well, clearly, the soil is toxic. What should you do?

So you think putting on more fertilizer and watering it more with the hope that will change things. It doesn’t.

The plant still doesn’t grow and worse yet, weeds are now growing around it.

Lets Bring it Home

In this scenario, your kid is the plant. Watering it is practice and drills. Confidence is the fertilizer.

The weeds are negative self talk.

Fear is the toxin in the soil…

Nothing good can grow in that toxic environment of Fear.

If you want to perform to your potential, Clear the Fear… along with the other interference patterns.

And here’s the keys to doing that:

Video 3 – Clear The Mental Baggage


Let’s do this,

Craig Sigl, Mental Toughness Trainer

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