How To Gain Total Physiological Control
If you’ve watched my previous videos (four of them so far), you know more than probably 90% of all parent-coaches about controlling ones mind for optimum sports performance. This is not an exaggeration. You would be shocked to learn (as I have) how little coaches know about the human mind as it relates... Read more
How to Navigate the Sports Parent Minefield
You’re a concerned, supportive sports parent. You spend tons of time and energy chauffeuring your kid to practices, games, meetings, etc. You keep them as healthy as you can, and fight for the work/life/play balance. You’re walking the Sports Parent Minefield! Let’s not even talk about how much money you spend... Read more
Video Shows Keys to Breakthrough Sports Performance
Last post, I sent you this link to the best webinar I’ve ever done. I made it for a coach who hired me for his team. In the video, I deliver to you the keys to breakthrough sports performance. This is how to clear the barriers! Performance = Potential – Interference... Read more
What Multi Sport Athletes Actually Struggle With
I recently just got this in an email from a coach who had watched all 3 R.A.C.E. videos who said about his Multi Sport Athletes, “That’s all great theory, Craig, Tell me how to antidote the real problems I have with my athletes right now, like these: Great in practice, but not in... Read more
Clear the Fear: Nothing Grows in a Toxic Environment
Nothing grows in a toxic environment til you clear the fear – that mental baggage we all carry around. So here’s an interesting way to think of things. Young competitors and performers are like plants! Let’s say you come home from the nursery with a small plant in one of... Read more
Can Athletes Have Long-Lasting Confidence?
Regularly parents come to me saying something like this, “My kid lacks confidence. When he (or she) is confident, he’s at his best and you can see he performs so much better. How do I help him build long-lasting confidence?” They then tell me that their coach told them something like this, “Just need... Read more
Sports Psych TIPS are Pretty Much Useless Baggage
A 3-minute video, no matter how good, won’t cut it. So, if you’ve watched the previous 2 videos, by now you know that typical sports psych tips are pretty much useless…and you know why. I know these videos are long, but, I have to tell you, I choose my words and what I... Read more
How to Overcome Fear of Rejection
Fear of Rejection Holds Kids And Adults Back Big Time. It’s as plain as that! So, what’s the answer, how to overcome fear of rejection? Tension, worry, self-doubt, nervousness, lack of confidence. All these interfere with your ability to perform in sports and live your life the way you want. The... Read more
Why Improvement Stops
You know how it is when you set a goal or decide you to want to accomplish something and then it seems like you keep finding reasons for it not to work or procrastinate on it? Want to know why improvement stops? How about, worse yet, you work and work and you train and... Read more
Video Series: Training Young Athletes
We are moving on to the next video in the R.A.C.E. Formula Video Series: Training Young Athletes. “A” is for Awareness. Parents, by the end of this video, you are going to understand more about a young competitor’s mind than 95% of all coaches in all sports and endeavors.  I teach this... Read more
Video Helps Parents Master Youth Sports Training
Last week I shared with you another of my 4-part R.A.C.E. Formula video training series and I just wanted to make sure you got the link to watch the first video to help you master youth sports training:  If you have any doubts about the necessity of being relentless in... Read more
Your Flow State – How to Get There
How to Get into the Flow State and How To Stop Sabotaging Your Performance Under Pressure   When athletes or performers are just about to do their thing under extreme pressure of having to execute their skills, a curious thing happens… A part of your mind tries to take over and... Read more