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What Multi Sport Athletes Actually Struggle With

What Multi Sport Athletes Actually Struggle With

I recently just got this in an email from a coach who had watched all 3 R.A.C.E. videos who said about his Multi Sport Athletes, “That’s all great theory, Craig, Tell me how to antidote the real problems I have with my athletes right now, like these:

…I need help right now!”

Boom! I got it.

I got the message loud and clear and sent him a webinar video on what multi sport athletes actually struggle with. The video brings the R.A.C.E. Formula right down to ground level reality. You’ll get it too.

It’s for multiple sports and performers and what they actually struggle with on a day-to-day basis.

And it’s worth a look, so check it out and learn:

Word of caution—I talk fast and cram more info into this video than in anything I’ve ever done before.

Bar none! So keep notes and remember this as you watch it. 

Performance = Potential – Interference

This video is part of a training series  I did for paying clients. Letting you view it and getting some of my antidotal advice is an experiment for me. I’m interested in your reactions and comments.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, in my profession, I’m a student of people, always learning and observing…

Let’s see what you think.

And Let’s do this!

Craig Sigl, Mental Toughness Trainer

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