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Your Flow State – How to Get There

How to get into the flow

How to Get into the Flow State and

How To Stop Sabotaging Your Performance Under Pressure


When athletes or performers are just about to do their thing under extreme pressure of having to execute their skills, a curious thing happens…

A part of your mind tries to take over and guide you to do it correctly.

It wants to make sure that you have covered all of your bases and considered everything that needs to be done.

If it isn’t bringing you thoughts about your opponent, then maybe it’s reminding you that you have to hold your arm a certain way or make a specific movement your coach reminded you about last week. 

It wants to control things!

This is the opposite of what we want

your flow state

My video shows you how to get into the performance flow state instead. Check it out!

Lets do this.

Craig Sigl

Mental Toughness Trainer


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