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Video Shows Keys to Breakthrough Sports Performance

Master the CORE causes of interference for breakthrough sports performance

Last post, I sent you this link to the best webinar I’ve ever done. I made it for a coach who hired me for his team. In the video, I deliver to you the keys to breakthrough sports performance. This is how to clear the barriers!

Performance = Potential – Interference

R.A.C.E. Clears The Interference

So, why should you watch it?

Well, frankly, because nobody else is talking about the real causes of why competitors hold themselves back….but I think I know why.

Keys to Breakthrough Sports Performance

It’s almost too scary to look at it.

It’s like being the first to discover a new virus or disease that we have no way of dealing with. You don’t want to go out there and tell everyone because it’s so new, revolutionary.

I’ve been reading mental game books for sports and success for years and for the most part, all I see are regurgitated ideas from your typical outdated sports psych textbooks.

Most mental game coaches are afraid to talk about the CORE causes of interference, because they don’t have a clue about how to deal with them. 

That’s why what you are hearing from me is so unique.

Check the video and see if you agree!

Let’s do this,

Craig Sigl, Mental Toughness Trainer

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