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Lindsey Berg: Volleyball Short Setters Handbook

Olympian Volleyball player Lindsey Berg espouses one thing that she thinks all might agree on in the volleyball world. That there is a big possibility that a  shorter/smaller setter will make faster moves to the ball. But that wouldn’t be a good enough reason to choose a shorter setter over a taller setter because efficient footwork and reading can be taught to setters of all sizes.

Olympian Volleyball player Lindsey Berg espouses one thing that she thinks all might agree on in the volleyball world. That there is a big possibility that a  shorter/smaller setter will make faster moves to the ball. But that wouldn’t be a good enough reason to choose a shorter setter over a taller setter because efficient footwork and reading can be taught to setters of all sizes.


Olympian Volleyball player Lindsey Berg espouses one thing that she thinks all might agree on in the volleyball world. That there is a big possibility that a  shorter/smaller setter will make faster moves to the ball. But that wouldn’t be a good enough reason to choose a shorter setter over a taller setter because efficient footwork and reading can be taught to setters of all sizes.

That being said, I do believe you can teach an already quick smaller setter to be more efficient and read even better, which is a huge positive for a team.

Just like there are different levels in volleyball overall, there are varying levels to footwork. When I was young and throughout college, I practiced my footwork over and over again. I did repetitions of each of the possible footwork patterns that might come up during a match. Hoping at the end of the day that they would become so natural and ingrained that I wouldn’t have to think about them.

Just Get the Ball

But even though I went through all of those reps, my theory now is “Just get to the ball.”  I don’t care how you get there. Just get there as fast as you can.

I know you may be thinking, “Easy for Lindsey Berg to say after playing in three Olympics.” But I really think this “just get there” philosophy should apply to setters at all levels of volleyball. Some will be better at shuffling, others crossing over, still others might want to just simply run.

Since you’re looking to me for advice, I will break down the different ways I learned and the ways I teach. You can experiment and decide what works best for you.

Lets dig into improving efficiency and passing next time, ok?


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Click here for a look back at my last blog, Volleyball Blocking Techniques- What works for you?

Thanks for following me with my SportStars blog. I have a lot more experience and technique to share with you. As the founder of the CUORE PROJECT, I hope you will watch our latest CUORE Feature Video. Team USA Middle blocker, Rachael Adams takes us through her life as a professional volleyball player.

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