Lindsey Berg Benchmarks For Good Volleyball Setting Touch
The younger you start to refine your setting touch, the better chance you have of being really good at it when you get older. Reps, reps and more reps are the key. As you work on your touch, here are 4 benchmarks for good setting touch to gauge your... Read more
Lindsey Berg’s Volleyball Drills to Improve “Touch”
Hi y’all. Last blog I talked about keys to accurate setting, using what I call the “W” hand positioning. You can find that post here. Today I want to share with you two drills to improve touch; Catch and Toss and Floor Sets. Lets dive right in. TWO DRILLS... Read more
Lindsey Berg’s Volleyball Keys to More Accurate Setting Using the “W”
Hi there, Lindsey Berg again imparting strategy from my “Short Setters Handbook”! In my last volleyball tips for setters blog post we discussed setting “touch”. Your ability to have a good feel for the ball. It’s a very important part of delivering what your hitters need. A good feel helps... Read more
Virtual Recruiting 101 | NCVA Helps Host Volleyball Recruiting Webinars
Recruiting 101: Advice for all athletes / sports. With Coronavirus Still Impeding The Return Of Competitive Play, NCVA Is Using Webinars To Help Athletes Answer Volleyball Recruiting Questions • Even during normal times, navigating through the volleyball recruiting process is hard enough. So what happens when you add a... Read more
Lindsey Berg Volleyball Tips for Setters
SETTING TOUCH Hi all, Lindsey Berg here again! In my last volleyball tips for setters blog post we discussed volleyball footwork and how proper footwork can assuage a number of passing errors. Today I want to help you get a feel for the ball. You see, your ability to have a... Read more
Volleyball Footwork: Lets Take the Next Step Together
Hi all, Lindsey Berg here! In my last blog we dove into the importance of proper volleyball footwork. Like in all sport, footwork leads to efficiency and effectiveness. You can say, it’s a critical first step toward mastering your position. As I mentioned last time, to be efficient means... Read more
Lindsey Berg: Volleyball Footwork Makes Perfect Passes
Olympian Volleyball player Lindsey Berg espouses one thing that she thinks all might agree on in the volleyball footwork world. That a shorter/smaller setter will make faster moves to the ball. She’s been addressing these and other skill sets specific to small setters in her recent blog posts, like... Read more
Lindsey Berg: Volleyball Short Setters Handbook
MOVING TO THE BALL Olympian Volleyball player Lindsey Berg espouses one thing that she thinks all might agree on in the volleyball world. That there is a big possibility that a  shorter/smaller setter will make faster moves to the ball. But that wouldn’t be a good enough reason to... Read more
Volleyball Blocking Techniques- What works for you?
In my last blog post, I covered 3 Weapons For Effective Blocking. We detailed our way through “soft blocking”, “swing blocking” and “the joust”. Each have to do with hand positioning and making sure your hands are as big as you can make them appear to be. Now, lets... Read more