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Lindsey Berg’s Volleyball Keys to More Accurate Setting Using the “W”

Lindsey Berg tips for volleyball setters. Follow through with a Superman flying motion.

Follow through with a Superman flying motion.

Hi there, Lindsey Berg again imparting strategy from my “Short Setters Handbook”! In my last volleyball tips for setters blog post we discussed setting “touch”. Your ability to have a good feel for the ball. It’s a very important part of delivering what your hitters need.

A good feel helps you put up solid, hittable balls anywhere on the court, anytime – including on those plays when your feet aren’t quite in the right position or your body is a little out of control. A good feel also helps you vary your tempo, setting faster or slower as the situation requires.

Lindsey Berg’s Volleyball Keys For Setters: Keys to Setting Using the “W”

We left off talking about hand positioning and specifically why I’m using the “W”.

One really important key to setting touch is understanding that your thumbs and wrists need to be back. That’s one reason why I teach the “W” hand formation for setting instead of the more traditional “Triangle.” I think it gives you more control. When you bring your hands all the way back in a “W,” the top of your thumbs will hit your head. In a “Triangle,” your thumbs go forward, which can cause your hands to turn and send the ball in a different direction than you want.


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The W-shaped hand position is just a personal preference. A lot of very good setters and coaches favor the “Triangle.” It’s important for you to experiment and figure out what works best for you. I recommend the “W,” but whichever you choose, you need to remember this:

Do NOT follow through with your thumbs! Your follow-through should be like a Superman flying motion, finger tips forward. (See my feature image above displaying this technique.)


The first picture (above) shows how my hand positioning looks for the “W”. The “W” will probably feel strange to you at first.

TIP: When I teach it, I have players over exaggerate the arm-positioning so their elbows are almost touching. This makes them uncomfortable, but it helps them get the right feel and learn to use their entire body – especially their legs – to deliver the set.


As I mentioned, many coaches teach the “triangle.” If you decide this is the best way for you to set, Image two above is how it should look.

Hit the courts and try out both techniques. And let me know which one works best for you!

Next time: Lets talk about two drills to improve your touch, the Catch and Toss. Sound good?

Share your successes and challenges with me in my comments field below. I’d love to chat with you!

Lindsey Berg founder of “THE CUORE PROJECT”. An all-digital programming network featuring films, editorials, and podcasts with the mission to share stories and information to educate and inspire the next generation of female volleyball athletes.


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