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Best Basketball Dribbling Drills For Better Control 

To shoot to score athletes need to make sure their dribbling game is on point. Dribbling is a fundamental basketball skill. From dodging defenders to working your way down the court to get a basket, it’s a necessity to master dribbling drills for better control of the ball. 

The following practice guide will help you improve your dribbling skills and techniques.

Here are the best basketball dribbling drills for better control.

Master Dribbling Basics

It’s important to master dribbling abilities to make your mark on the court. Always dribble with your dominant hand to maintain control, using the fingertips instead of the palm of your hand. Your eyes should always be up, looking out to the court to avoid opponents and look for pockets to run to. Athletes should say low and wide, which makes it harder for opponents to steal the ball. 

Work on drills for the non-dominate hand to switch up the dribble and keep the opponent guessing. 

Best Stationary Dribbling Drills

Stationary Dribble

This drill is among the best for building dribbling control and hand strength. 

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and dribble the ball forcefully with one hand. Try to stay as low as you canThis helps with stability and keeps your center gravity low so that there are no steals on the ball. Work on dribbling the dominant hand for 30 seconds and switching to the other hand for 30 seconds. Repeat.

Up and Downs

In your playing stance, stay low with feet apart, and dribble in front of the body. Start with bouncing as high as the waist. Keep dribbling, each time with more force until reaches as high as it came without jumping to dribble. Then dribble lower until you have two go down on one knee. Keep dribbling switch to the other hand and repeat the drill. 

Figure Eight

This dribbling drill is a great way to work on coordination. Start in the playing position with legs hip-width apart. Have the hips back, and back straight. Dribble the ball in a figure-eight motion, looping it around the legs. The idea is to stay looking up and not at the ball. Make sure to use both the left and right hand. 

Fast Ball

Start by dribbling with a crossover, switching the ball from hand to hand. Then increase the speed so the dribbling is fastOnce you get in a comfortable routine, switch the dribble between the legs, and finally behind the back. The idea is to speed up and go as fast as you can. Think of snapping the ball hand instead of pounding to remain in control.

Best Moving Dribbling Drills

Zigzag With Cones

Set up cones in a line with enough space in between each to be able to move. Dribble and weave in and out of the zones, changing direction in a zigzag patternThis helps to control the ball when on the move while working on agility.

Full Court Dribbling

It sounds simple, but this dribbling drill is great for building stamina and continuous control over the ball when in motion. To perform this drill, set up cones throughout the entirety of the court. Start on one end of the court and dribble to each cone. Include different techniques like crossover, between-the-legs, or behind-the-back dribble. 

U Dribble

This still is all about mastering how to move in different directions while dribbling. Place four cones in a square shape. Dribble to the cone in front, then dribble sideways to the next cone, and backward to the back cone. Finish dribble sideways to complete the square.

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