Guide To Showing:What To Expect At An English Riding Show
Saddle up, riders. We are entering the world of English horseback riding shows. These events are a great way to showcase skills learned in the sport. Whether you’re a beginner rider eager to test your skills in the arena, or a seasoned equestrian venturing into a new discipline, the experience of showing is... Read more
3 Best Outdoor Sports For Beginners
IMAGE CREDIT: eBike Shed Ltd If you look at life, everything that is valuable is just around some kind of door. At first it might be hidden, but once when you open them, the beauty of something new starts. It is the same thing with outdoor sports. Those metaphoric... Read more
East Bay Equestrian Team Rides High At Nationals
Not Horsing Around Equestrian riding might not to be among the first sports to come to mind when it comes to middle or high school interscholastic competition. But it is alive and well. And there’s an East Bay equestrian team that’s getting awfully good at it. Team KMT, run by... Read more