   Training to becoming the best possible athlete starts with the core, pelvis and hips. Training Time : Tim Rudd for IYCA    An...

   Training to becoming the best possible athlete starts with the core, pelvis and hips.

Training Time : Tim Rudd for IYCA

   An athlete’s core, pelvis and hips are the centerpiece of his or her athletic development and the key to becoming a better athlete. The hips have a ton of movement and are surrounded by big muscles, such as the glutes, quads and hamstrings, which are incredible power producers.

   In order to become the best athlete possible, athletes need to train mobility, stability and strength around their hips.

   Let’s look at each of these qualities in a bit more depth

   >> Step #1: Improve Mobility

   Getting more mobility from the hips is an effective way to improve an athlete’s speed, strength, and power. Foam rolling the major muscle groups around the hips gets these muscle groups to relax a bit, improving their mobility and range of motion, allowing them to more effectively load their hip muscles.

   >> Step #2: Improve Stability

   The next step involves improving the athlete’s pelvic alignment, focusing on improving stability and control over his or her pelvis. If the hips are out of alignment, most notably in an anterior tilt (forward tilt), the athlete is not going to be able to extend his or her hips effectively. Stability is the name of the game when it comes to being fast and explosive, especially when running or coming in and out of cuts. 

   This is why stability is important “” if athletes can’t control the various joints in their body, they’re not going to be as strong or explosive as they should be. And, it could even predispose them to injury.

   So how do we fix this? In the weight room! This is an ideal time to incorporate split-stance and single-leg movements to an athletel’s weekly program.

   >> Step #3: Strength and Power

   The goal of strength and power training is simple ““ to get STRONGER and more POWERFUL. The best athletes in the world use the gym to get stronger. They perform hang cleans, squats, deadlifts and push-and-pulls. I put a ton of emphasis on developing the backside of my athletes. I also focus on developing a strong and stable core, which helps to properly align the pelvis, as well as improving mobility, stability and strength.

Check out this article in the digital edition of SportStars Magazine: Building From The Inside Out

Previous article: Getting to “Go Time’ 



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