A Mental Toughness Trainers’ Biggest Mistake By An Athlete
High School BasketballLEVELUP INSIDERS February 23, 2018 SportStars 0

Before becoming the mental toughness trainer, I played a lot of sports, especially golf. (I still do) In addition, as I look back at what held me back (not just in sports, but in life), most it was this: The need to control! (The opposite of trusting yourself and your skills.) Remember the formula from last week’s blog? Performance = Potential – Interference As I’ve mentioned in my trainings and teach other trainers, FEAR is the #1 interference to performing to ones potential, in competition as well as in life. And it takes surprising forms:
There is a “sub fear set” of those main fear set listed above, which we can call: “Fear of loss of control” This fear occurs regularly with athletes. It gets triggered because of a belief program instilled in the unconscious mind that says: “If I can control things, then I can prevent the bad thing from happening.” Also, this is directly opposed to what every good coach teaches you.. that you need to, “Trust your skills.” (Way to go coach/parent if you have preached this!) In our R.A.C.E formula, this is the “A”. The Awareness – needed to eliminate the kind of interference from your performance… Stay tuned for more on overcoming fear and finding your true potential. Let’s do this, Craig Sigl, Mental Toughness Trainer |
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