Mind Games. Why the Game is 90% Mental Mind Games. Why the Game is 90% Mental
“In the big leagues everyone has ability. It always comes down to mind games. Whoever is more mentally strong—wins.” Muhammad Ali Why the game is... Mind Games. Why the Game is 90% Mental

“In the big leagues everyone has ability. It always comes down to mind games. Whoever is more mentally strong—wins.” Muhammad Ali

Why the game is 90% mental and yet coaches and parents talk about it that way, yet fail to support ways to improve the student athlete mindset?  Because they just don’t understand!

“We take our kids to experts, because they… are… EXPERTS.” Was the statement I made last week, and one I reiterate this week. 

At my Peak Performance workshops, I share the 7 Peak Performance attributes, the power of affirmations and how when used effectively, these can get a student athlete to go from good to great. 

Students also learn how to deal with their beliefs and fears- how their attitude can be a powerful asset to their performance. Why writing a new vision for themselves can improve their overall self-image.

What I know for sure is that by improving the mindset athletes improve their overall success.

Michael Jordan said “mental toughness and the heart are a lot stronger than some of the physical advantages you might have. I’ve always said that, and I’ve always believed that.”

In my workshops, I have participants improve their mindset by teaching them about affirmations. I show how to use affirmations to improve their play on the field and in their life off the field.

Affirmations can be used to build confidence with a positive goal in mind.

These are just a few things that can be done to help improve the mental parts of the game. When the going gets tough (school, recruiting, mistake in a big game), most players must rely on whatever predisposed skills they have. 

Just as some were made to run faster, jump higher, have more power, etc., some have a stronger mindset.

But just like the kid who needs private lessons, more swings or a pitching coach to gain the physical skill set needed, so do most athletes when need to improve their (90%) mental game.


Read more and Be Blessed!

La Shawn B. Wells, JD

Peak Performance Coach

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La Shawn Wells

La Shawn Wells

La Shawn is a Peak Performance Coach, goal setting expert & author of two books. He shares his knowledge to help empower individuals, families and student athletes to clarify their purpose to live the 100 percent life, and operate at Peak Performance.

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