Why Improvement Stops Why Improvement Stops
You know how it is when you set a goal or decide you to want to accomplish something and then it seems like you keep finding... Why Improvement Stops

You know how it is when you set a goal or decide you to want to accomplish something and then it seems like you keep finding reasons for it not to work or procrastinate on it? Want to know why improvement stops?

How about, worse yet, you work and work and you train and you learn everything about your position and then improvement stops, no matter what you do!

It’s so frustrating.

Especially when coaches and instructors keep giving you the same advice, that you have taken to heart and used before, but isn’t working any longer.

Well, in today’s video, you are going to learn exactly why that is.

The awareness that blows open the door to why improvement stops and you aren’t moving forward to meet the goals you’ve set.

Video 2 – Awareness Destroys Fear 

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the video yet from my last post, I’ll give you a little nudge, like any coach would do.

I used the story from the movie, “Tin Cup” starring Kevin Costner. He’s a down-and-out golf pro who has a chance to win again, against the best in world.  

It’s perfect for platform for the A=Awareness in my R.A.C.E. formula.

I know you you really want to learn how to help your kid make a breakthrough, right?

I’m giving you the keys to the kingdom here!

This is about WAY more than sports, as you will see. Don’t put this off, do it now.

I’m here for you. Ask me questions.

Let’s do this,

Craig Sigl

Mental Toughness Trainer



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