Helpful Tips: Building Confidence in Young Players Helpful Tips: Building Confidence in Young Players
  Today I want to share with you how I helped a 14 year old basketball player break through typical youth player struggles. It all... Helpful Tips: Building Confidence in Young Players


Today I want to share with you how I helped a 14 year old basketball player break through typical youth player struggles.

It all starts with this one thing– that you just cannot allow to happen to a youth player. To begin, see if this 3 minute video story relates to you:

Case study youth basketball player

Remember, the formula for blasting through stuck issues like Tod’s,

Starts with this:  Performance = Potential – Interference

Continuing on with Tod’s case, he was so down about his situation. 

When he came to me. His confidence was absolutely shot! He was so down on himself because his parents and coaches gave him good advice and he did everything he could to implement it. But it didn’t work.  

 They told him to:

  • write down his goals and focus on achieving them
  • think positive as much as possible. Don’t let negativity creep in
  • visualize making beautiful jump shots and imagining he is the starter on his team as he falls asleep at night
  • believe in yourself and he had to just find it within himself

Building Confidence: Here’s the punchline…

So what does an athlete like that naturally conclude when that kind of “surface” mental advice doesn’t work? I’m broken. There’s something wrong with me and shame sets in and down the drain goes Tod’s confidence. 

As a parent or coach, you must do everything in your power to make sure this doesn’t happen. If you aren’t 100% sure your advice will work, then don’t give it.

Building Confidence in Young Players Solution:

I began imparting with Tod the R.A.C.E Formula.

R is Relentless. For my work, it’s a little different than how the word “relentless” is normally used. It means to be relentless in your ability to make a “nervous system” change.   

Tod’s dad emailed me the day after our first session and asked what kind of wizardry I had done with his son. My answer? “I gave him hope.” 

In the next INSIDER piece, we’ll tell you how the they next step in the R.A.C.E. Formula gave Tod the full belief in himself he needed to open the door to his breakthrough. 

If you want to give your young player a fast break to their greatness in basketball…and in life, let’s do this together! Basketball Mental Toughness

Craig Sigl
Mental Toughness Trainer

The Mental Toughness Training Team helps athletes overcome issues keeping them from performing at the top of their game

The Mental Toughness Team

The Mental Toughness Trainer for Youth Athletes, has worked with thousands of professional and amateur athletes on the mental side of their game. They have authored and creator 7 mental toughness programs sold in 28 countries and written to over 16,000 athletes in these blogs.

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