Help Prevent ACL Injuries in Football
A torn ACL is one of the most serious injuries a football player can suffer. Besides having to possibly sit out the season, players may face loss of scholarship funding and long-term problems from the painful joint condition osteoarthritis. Most ACL injuries do not occur from player-to-player contact. The... Read more
Is Cryotherapy better than Ice Baths?
Is Cryotherapy better than Ice Baths? High school athletes are warming to Roseville’s U.S. Cryotherapy and its frigid temps.   Extreme cold and sports are not normally seen as compatible, let alone desirable. Yet a growing number of local high school athletes are making cryotherapy—the whole-body or localized use of... Read more
GET MENTAL: Thoughts from the NFL Combine
How do you perform under pressure? If you think school is difficult, the SAT is tough and the recruiting process daunting, imagine having your future employment potential dissected under a microscope, both physically and mentally over a four day period of time. At the annual NFL Combine, future NFL... Read more
Reducing the Risk of ACL Tears, Part 2
In Part I, Dr. Pandya discussed the intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors associated with ACL tears and other ACL injuries. In Part II, we will discuss ways to reduce some of the intrinsic risk factors with this devastating injury. Everything BUTT the quads. Next time you watch a professional... Read more
HEALTH WATCH: While out on a typical Sunday morning in the park, it is not uncommon to see people taking part in their weekend exercise routine. Particularly running. What is becoming increasingly common is to see individuals jogging down running paths and roads barefoot. Or at least  with “minimalist”... Read more
Young Athletes at Risk of Overtraining
Training Time In the last issue I discussed how CrossFit and similarly styled programs work. Each day the goal is complete physical exhaustion; either through maximal reps, maximal weight, maximal speed, or some combination of all three. This is detrimental to your athletes’ performance, athletic career and health. Lets... Read more
Hip Injuries- Cut, Twist, Tear?
   Hip labral tears are being diagnosed more than ever before. Are you at risk? Hip Injuries | Hunter Greene, M.D.    Sports that rely on cutting and twisting such as ice hockey, soccer, football and basketball, put the hip at risk for labral tears. Also, structural abnormalities of... Read more
Can Little League Shoulder and Elbow Hurt Your Pitch?
How Pitcher’s Shoulder and Elbow Hurt Arm/Shoulder Care | Dr. Mo Mortazavi    Baseball throwing injuries in young athletes are one of the most common pediatric overuse injuries. Consequently,  30 to 50 percent of all youth baseball players suffering from this in their career. The incidence continues to rise... Read more
Lift To Last: Strength Training Around the World
Strength training around the World. I recently made a trip to Russia, where I spent seven hours teaching at a huge fitness convention in Moscow. While there, I met trainers from several countries and learned a great deal about strength training and its uses around the world.  One thing... Read more
Preventing Stress Fractures in the Foot
When the Foot Hits the Ground- Recognizing and Preventing Stress Fractures in the Foot HEALTH WATCH : Suzanne Becker    Just like a car, the human body has a spring-loaded shock absorbing mechanism built into the foot to disperse force. The human foot has 33 joints that allow 26... Read more
Kinesio Taping-elastic therapeutic tape
Kinesio Taping- The Healing Tape: Is There Such a Thing?    Kinesio taping, also known as elastic therapeutic tape, looks and feels like an ace bandage. But it is a much thinner cotton tape that is able stretch up to 140 percent of its original length. Kenesio tape works... Read more