  Have you ever looked towards someone and thought they were a hero? What makes them a hero? Why do you look up to...

  Have you ever looked towards someone and thought they were a hero? What makes them a hero? Why do you look up to them? 

  I am a physical education teacher at Carquinez Middle School in Crockett. I have the best job in the world. I get to work with young people in the very formative years of their lives. A time where they can forge a path for themselves, and follow it. 

  When I started at CMS three years ago, I was asked by some students to help with the bullying problem which existed there. I researched it by reading everything I could find on bullies and how they tick. 

  I talked to students who spoke of fear and loneliness, that they attributed to mean peers at school. They told me of the darkness and despair they felt because others put them down and made them feel insignificant. I was shocked when I found out how many people, in our country, commit suicide due to being bullied. As was seen recently in the NFL, bullying is something that is done by adults as well. 

  I’ve since started an anti-bullying program at CMS that seeks to educate those doing the bullying. Not just punishing them, but helping them see what others feel when they are treated unfairly. When bullies see the wreckage they cause, they start to see the big picture. They try to improve their behavior. We had assemblies where we enlightened the school population as to how scared students can be. The anxiety they feel when thinking about coming to school. They can get physically ill when thinking of possible hurtful situations that could face them that day.

  We need to treat each other in a positive manner and want each other to thrive. Part of what our program tries to instill in students is that instead of dragging others down to look better, let’s just take care of ourselves by striving to achieve greatness through hard work and determination. 

  My idea of a hero is a student/individual who:
  “¢ Helps a person with special needs
“¢ Takes time to talk to the new kid
“¢ Asks someone how they are doing
“¢ Stands up for those who aren’t strong enough to do so themselves
“¢ Makes sure others know that they care about them
“¢ Is a leader who sets an example that treating others negatively is wrong 
“¢ Isn’t a follower when others are being treated unfairly 

  Step up and let people know bullying is not okay. If more of us did this, life would be pretty amazing.

  Be the reason someone wants to be at school. Be the reason someone wants to play on the team. Be the reason someone wants to succeed. That’s something to work toward. In other words, be a hero.



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