Get The Most From Workouts: 3 Step Ladder of Success Formula Get The Most From Workouts: 3 Step Ladder of Success Formula
A Formula To Get The Most From Workouts In the next five minutes you’re going to find out three specific steps you can take... Get The Most From Workouts: 3 Step Ladder of Success Formula

A Formula To Get The Most From Workouts

In the next five minutes you’re going to find out three specific steps you can take to get the most out of each training session for the rest of your life. No matter who you are, you’re in training mode at this time of the year. Athlete or active adult, this time of the year is when you’re trying to make sure you stick to your New Year’s resolution. Or stick to your training regimen to give yourself the best edge to succeed. Here is my Anthony Trucks’ 3 Step Ladder of Success Formula to get the most out of your workouts.

In my experience there are a few things that people have to do to make sure the work they’re doing in the weight room is the best use of their time. Without these three things in place, you’re setting yourself up for failure without even knowing it.

3 Step Ladder of Success Formula:

First, ask yourself this question and if you can answer it in two seconds or less, then you’re good. If not, you can check the first box of three that you need to improve.

Do you know EXACTLY what your next workout is going to be?

See, very few people take the time before a workout to make the most of their time during the actual workout. They walk into a gym and wander around assuming that their body will wander into being stronger or looking better.

The absolute first step is to get yourself a program designed specifically to get you from point A to your desired point B.

This program should go through stages that build upon the previous stage. So you can track the progress and make adjustments when you need to push closer to your goal. Without a program built for you that you ACTUALLY follow, you’re wasting time.

Ladder of Success: Second…

I’m just going to come right out and say it: The goal you have is going to take daily effort that is very far out of your comfort zone. Most people’s goals are at an effort level of, let’s say, 10.  But their level of “max effort” is at a lowly six.

So no matter how hard you want to reach your goal you never will until you’re willing to push your max effort up every day until you reach that 10.  So you are not allowed to use the statement, “I’ve worked as hard as I can and nothing’s working” If you really have a goal you want to reach.

Ladder of Success: Third…

Lastly, and absolutely most important, you have to stop sacrificing form for weight. One thing that still seems to be plaguing every weight room I go to is people using more weight than their body should handle for that specific movement.

Just picture the last person you saw adding too much weight to a bar before they squat and watching them do heavy knee pumps. This forces your body into compensation and makes other parts of your body take on loads they’re not supposed to, which can lead to injury.

The other part is that you fail to work the desired muscle you’re trying to target. This means that even with the perfect program, you’ll still fail to get the results you want out of your training. So lighten the weight. Use full range. Then increase things over time to improve.

These three steps are easy to follow but hard to implement. At the end of the day we know you don’t want easy, you want results. So take the time to implement these three steps and watch your training take your results in the weight room to the next level.

Anthony Trucks is an IYCA-certified trainer who covers strength training for SportStars Magazine.

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Anthony Trucks, NFL professional, American Ninja Warrior, sports trainer

Anthony Trucks, NFL professional, American Ninja Warrior, sports trainer

Anthony Trucks

Long-time SportStars INSIDER, Anthony Trucks is a former NFL player, American Ninja Warrior, coach, consultant, author, speaker, husband, and father of 3 incredible kids.

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