Training Time: Last Week before AAU Junior Olympics Training Time: Last Week before AAU Junior Olympics
Hi everyone, it’s Jordynn West! Finally made it to the end of the season! I’ll be covering my last week of training before I... Training Time: Last Week before AAU Junior Olympics

Hi everyone, it’s Jordynn West! Finally made it to the end of the season! I’ll be covering my last week of training before I head to North Carolina for the AAU Junior Olympics!

Training Time Day 1:

On Monday, I had a ladder workout and 4x 200m runs. The ladder was 1500m total meters containing a 500m all the way down to 100m run. (500, 400, 300, 200, 100). These were a little different than how I usually do them, because on these I focused on changing speeds.

For example, on the 500m I would go out hard for 100m, stride the next 200m, and go hard again for the last 200m. I had around 2 minute rest in between.

On my 4 200’s, my splits were 31, 31, 32, 32. My little brother was also there to help push my time.

Jordynn's Last Week before AAU Junior Olympic Games

Overall, I had a successful workout.

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Training Time Day 2:

My final quality workout was on Wednesday. I had a total of 6 200m runs broken up into 2 sets. All short rest.

My first 3 runs were at 32, 35, 33. I wasn’t happy with the 200m run at 35 seconds. I didn’t finish the last 30m strong. That’s something I’ve done at meets which has caused me to get passed up at the line.

Then I went into 2x 1600m runs. I went a lot faster than I was supposed to on the 1st set which was 5:59. I then finished the 2nd set at 5:55. All I focused on was hitting my splits and keeping my form.

I then went into my last 3 200’s. My times were a 35, 34, and 33. I was pretty drained, but I knew I had to keep pushing through.

Training time, running workouts for North Carolina for the AAU Junior Olympics!

Training Time Day 3:

I ended my training with a 45 minute recovery run around my neighborhood. Felt strong and smooth!

Training Run: Jordynn's Last Week before AAU Junior Olympic Games

Training Time Recovery:

Recovery from North Carolina for the AAU Junior Olympics!

I met with my chiropractor for an adjustment. Everything looked good, but my hips were slightly off. Finished up with some heat therapy.

Does Chiropractic help runners? North Carolina for the AAU Junior Olympics

I usually do cold therapy a couple times a week, but after my recovery run I went in for a cryotherapy session.

Does ice bath, therapy, cryotherapy help runners soreness?

Good luck to everyone competing at Junior Olympics!


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