How to Maximize Your Golf Training
Central Coast SectionCentral SectionGolfHigh School GolfLos Angeles City SectionNorth Coast SectionNorthern SectionOakland SectionSac-Joaquin SectionSan Diego SectionSan Francisco SectionSectionsSoCal EditionSouthern Section October 19, 2021 Jordan Fuller 0

Want to know how to maximize your golf training? Putting these tips into practice can improve your game from its very foundations. Give them a try!
Photo by Daniel Stenholm on Unsplash
Golf may seem like an easy, relaxed sport. But if you want to take it a step further and supercharge your game, you need to know how to maximize your golf training.
Remember, there’s more to golf than swinging your arms. Well-known performance physiologist Dr. Greg Wells suggests that there are 6 areas to focus on in order to reach your peak fitness for golf.
Here are those 6 areas of golfing fitness and how to incorporate them into your training for maximum benefit.
- Balance
Balance is critical. If your balance is poor, it becomes infinitely harder to hit the ball with excellent direction and precision.
You can improve your balance by practicing your swing while standing on one leg. Do this regularly, alternating legs to build better balance.
- Posture
Good posture is a precursor to good form. Getting this right prevents injury and gives you the best possible foundation from which to execute your shot.
Before hitting each shot, visualize your posture and actively release tension in your upper body. Remember, your grip and your follow-through are also part of your posture, so take extra care through every part of the cycle.
- Flexibility
A limited range of motion can reduce the effectiveness of your shot and increase the chance of injury. Free movement is crucial for finding your flow in your golf swing.
Yoga is an excellent way to improve your flexibility. Just 10 or 20 minutes a day can loosen up your muscles and joints and increase your range of movement.
- Core Stability
Core strength affects balance, posture, and flexibility. Strengthen your 29 core muscles by doing dedicated core exercises with proper form.
- Strength & Power
Lengthen your drive distance by building strength and muscle. Join a gym or do bodyweight exercises like pull-ups, pushups, squats, lunges, and rows. Incorporate strength training into your routine at least 2 to 3 times a week.
- Cardiovascular Fitness
Golfers walk a lot! Incorporate cardio into your training to improve your cardiovascular fitness. Find a cardio exercise that works for you and do it 2 to 3 times a week with moderate to high intensity.
Jordan Fuller is a retired golfer. He is now mentoring and coaching golf. During his free time, he writes about golf on his publication site, https://www.golfinfluence.com/, where he shares tips and tricks on how to improve your game.
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