Ideal Level of Intensity to Achieve Optimum Performance
Unlocking Your Combination The idea of readiness in sports can be a tricky thing. The myth of needing to get fired up for most athletes is just that, a myth. Every sport has its own unique intensity requirements (think hitting a golf ball vs. playing offensive line in football)... Read more
Reaching Your Full Potential? Maybe You’re Overthinking.
Get Mental with Erika Westoff, SportStars INSIDER• What’s Holding You back from reaching your full potential? It could easily be “Overthinking”! Overthinking is the top reason athletes seek professional help and it may just be what is interfering with your sports performance development. Overthinking is common and most times can make... Read more
Being Great Starts When You Believe That YOU CAN
An advantage my daughters had when they played sports was that my wife and I competed in college sports. So we always worked on their athletic mindset to prepare them for competition. We always told them that being great starts when you believe that YOU CAN! This week I asked... Read more
Mental Toughness- Confident Shooting- Hot Hand
Today I begin my series on the mental toughness side of sports training. All athletes and performers know they have more ability, skills, and talents than they have been showing in competition or on the stage. You are here because you want to see your talent show up a... Read more
Get Mental: The Mental Side of the Game
   There Has Never Been More Evidence That Mental Fitness Can Sharpen The Performance Of All Athletes The mental side of the game seems to be getting more attention than ever. Olympic athletes, NFL teams and Major League Baseball have all strongly embraced sport psychology professionals as core members... Read more
Know Exactly What Mental Skills are and How Are They Taught!
When potential clients walk in my office they usually have some sense that mental performance is important, but they don’t often know exactly what mental skills are or how they are taught.  “Is it therapy?,” they might ask. “Will I (or my child) be “˜psycho-analyzed?'”  While mental training has... Read more