Positive Communication- Let PC be Your Guide
New Season: Guidance Principals for Parents. Let Positive Communication be Your Guide As we enter the new sports season, the pressure and stress on athletes become enormous, and parents hold the key to their child’s stress levels and more importantly overall performance levels. Positive communication is key. Will my child... Read more
How To Stay Hydrated-Help for Dehydration
How do you Stay Hydrated? Rehydration is even more essential when summer temps soar. Summer break means summer practices under that hot summer sun. Dehydration is a big risk due to these warm weather conditions combined with weekend tournaments or double day workouts. Being dehydrated can result in up... Read more
Motherly Advice for Team Snacks
Team Moms: Make Sure You’re Shopping From The Approved Snack List for Tournaments to Keep Athletes Well Fueled. Let’s say you’re a team mom who needs some ideas for feeding the team during tournaments. What are some quick, healthy, energizing foods you can provide for these athletes? Keeping the... Read more
Is Sport-Specific Training Necessary?
Specialized Sport Training Isn’t A Necessity. I’m sure you’ve heard the term “sport-specific training” more than once in your life. Well the cold hard fact is that it doesn’t exist, especially not with young athletes. When working with pre-adolescent and high school athletes, there’s undeniable truth. This is that... Read more
Fat BurningTrifecta In The Weight Room
Let’s talk about the fat burning trifecta in the weight room! About this time of the year everyone is trying to find a way to bust their belly fat and trim down.  The problem is that very few people enjoy steady state cardio like running for miles outside or... Read more
Overcoming Negative Thoughts: Accentuating The Positive
Let’s face it: Your performance is 90 percent mental so you must overcome negative thoughts.  Assuming you have the ability to do what you are trying to do, your success is 90 percent dependent on your mindset. You need to accentuate the positive. “Everyone is a genius,” Albert Einstein... Read more
Secrets to Standing Out for Soccer Coaches
You Can Make Impression On College Coaches Without Filling Stat Sheets.  In today’s ultra-competitive, youth sport landscape, I.D. camps have become a big piece of the puzzle for those who seek to play at the collegiate level. Consequently, many athletes are initially uncertain about how to perform in these... Read more
Emotions and Sport Performance
   Emotions effect sport performance. How you feel off the field effects how you perform on it.      As a result, your emotions matter. There is a strong relationship between how you feel and how you perform in your sport.    If you arrive to your sport feeling... Read more
How To Avoid Swimmer’s Shoulder
Smart Swimmin’ INJURY AVOIDANCE : Hunter Greene, M.D.  As swim season hits full stride and swimmers start ratcheting up their training, we’re going to talk about shoulder problems. Specifically how to avoid swimmer’s shoulder. Poor stroke mechanics, training errors, overuse and muscular imbalances are some of the elements that... Read more
How to Prevent Volleyball Injuries
A look at the most common volleyball-related injuries and how to practice prevention.  Volleyball is one of the most popular girls sports with school and club programs located across the country. Each year more than 460,000 high school students  participate in interscholastic volleyball. According to a 2012 survey by... Read more
Hip Pointer Injuries and Treatment
Hip pointer injuries occur often in contact sports, but treating hip pointers is easy and can lead to relatively quick recovery Common Injuries A hip pointer is a direct contact injury to the iliac crest, the bony prominence that can be felt along the waistline. This is a very... Read more
Instinctive Athleticism: Top 3 Steps Improving Biomechanics
Plyo steps happen naturally to help the body produce force, but improving certain biomechanics can make it more effective. Training Time: Tim Rudd for IYCA The plyo step (see video below) is a movement that the body does instinctively to get your body in optimal acceleration angles — out of... Read more