Hydrate to Dominate: Stay Hydrated! Hydrate to Dominate: Stay Hydrated!
With school back in session, athletes are busy training for their fall sports and preparing for the season ahead. Even though it’s no longer... Hydrate to Dominate: Stay Hydrated!

With school back in session, athletes are busy training for their fall sports and preparing for the season ahead. Even though it’s no longer summer, dehydration is still a risk due to warm weather and/or double-day workouts. Stay hydrated, it’s an easy way to optimize your performance during training and competition.

The average human body is 50-75 percent water. The leaner the body, the higher the proportion of water.

Fluids are essential for almost all of the body’s functions, and we can’t live without them for longer than about a week. If your body is dehydrated, this can result in an increase in body temperature, increased risk for heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Not to mention decreased strength, speed and stamina, none of which an athlete wants to experience.

Dehydration can result in up to a 50 percent decrease in ability.  

To stay on top of your game this season, drink plenty of non-caffeinated fluids before, during, and after your training.

Thirst is a symptom of dehydration, so drink before your body sends this signal. Train yourself to drink by the following schedule, not by thirst, to ensure that you are well hydrated:

>> Drink 16 ounces of water 2 hours BEFORE training/competition

>> Drink 8 to 16 ounces of water 15 minutes BEFORE training/competition

>> Drink 4 to 16 ounces of water or sports drink every 30 minutes DURING training/competition

>> Weigh yourself before and after a training session or competition.

For every pound lost, drink 16-24 ounces of fluid (water, milk, 100% juice, sports drink such as Gatorade or FitProGo!

Younger, smaller athletes should aim for lower end of range. Older, larger athletes shoul aim for higher end of range

Stay hydrated!

Staying consistently hydrated will help you feel your best during your training sessions, which will result in improved performance at game time. Have a great season, and remember to drink up!


SportStars INSIDER and Nutrition Specialist, Jill Daniels, MS, RD, CSSD is a Registered Dietitian in the Bay Area of Northern California who specializes in sports nutrition and weight management. She works with people of all ages. Visit her at

Jill Daniels is a foremost nutritionist and covers high school athletes concerns for SportStars Magazine

Jill Daniels

Jill Daniels' passion is nutrition. Her blog helps inform you how to maximize your athletic performance through healthy eating. Jill is a Nutrition Coach, MS, RD, CSSD, Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics and long-time SportStars contributor.

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