How to Get the Best Letters of Recommendation How to Get the Best Letters of Recommendation
GET RECOMMENDED. GET RECRUITED. You are probably still considering all your options and trying to nail down which colleges and programs to apply to,... How to Get the Best Letters of Recommendation


You are probably still considering all your options and trying to nail down which colleges and programs to apply to, so now is the time to get your letters of recommendation in line.

With the application season quickly approaching it is both helpful and advantageous to get your proverbial ducks in a row.

Bear this in mind, your teachers are crazy busy at all times of the year (we literally have no down time) and thus you need to get a head start on the process. If you want to get the best letter, you need to be proactive.

Here’s something you should understand (and don’t be offended)…

Your teachers can’t remember everything about you.

This may come as a surprise to you but keep in mind, I have over 260 students per year. It’s hard to remember all those names much less something significant and unique that will help me write a letter on their behalf.

If you want to get the best letter you have to have the best approach.

How to Get the Best Letters of Recommendation

Photo Credit: Study.Com


First things first, the ask.

You need to ask in person. Remember, you may have been their student previously but they might not know you via email, so go talk to them directly. Once you have verbally secured that your teacher or mentor will write a letter on your behalf, let them know you will be sending them a detailed email.

When students ask for letters of recommendation, I tell them to get me a list of accomplishments, something unique about them and what they would like me to focus on.


Here is what I have received:

GPA is over 3.8
Wrestling, captain
Good at science
Worked at church camp
AP language class
And say something good about me

What am I supposed to do with this??? I have no idea how to make you sound amazing when you send a list like this.

I would love to say that I remember everything about all my students, but the reality is I don’t.

If you want the best letter, if you want me to make you sound like someone who colleges can’t pass up, then give me something.

Here’s how to do it.

In a Word or Google Doc draft the following:

Today’s Date

Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs. ________________:

I am writing to follow up on my request for a letter of recommendation. First of all, thank you for agreeing to write one on my behalf.

Below I have listed all pertinent information regarding the purpose, recipient, all relevant personal information and deadlines.

  1. Full name (this is helpful in order to spell your name correctly)
  2. Current and specific GPA
  3. List of upper level classes with the grade you earned in the class
  4. If your grades do not reflect your potential or if you have special circumstances which have impacted your grades you need to offer an explanation
  5. Work experience (if applicable)
  6. Community service: location, number of hours volunteered, what you did and what you learned
  7. Athletics: sports, years played, leadership status (if applicable)
  8. Clubs: name of club, years participated, what the club did and your leadership role (if applicable)
  9. Musical instruments and/or band experience: specific instrument(s), number of years played and leadership position (if applicable)
  10. Extracurriculars: club sports, involvement at your local church or organization
  11. Special circumstances: list anything unique to your life experiences or upbringing that could be relevant to your acceptance
  12. Five adjectives that clearly describe you
  13. Additions: anything that does not fit into the above categories or something unique about yourself that you would like to share
  14. Recipient and purpose: who the letter is for and why they are writing it
  15. Date you need the letter (this should be a week before it is due to give yourself time to put all your resources together and submit it)

I appreciate your help in this matter.


Full Name

If you provide your teacher or mentor with this, they will be able to turn around and offer you the best letter, which in turn can get you in the door.

I know from experience– years after being hired at my first teaching position, the hiring teacher confessed to me that he didn’t like my interview.

He was ready to hire someone else, but then he read my letters of recommendation.

Both of my master teachers wrote stunning letters for me which is what got me the job. I still work there to this day. Don’t underestimate the value of a solid letter of recommendation. It could mean the difference between acceptance and rejection.

Blog by By Kate Forman, Courtesy the Rugger’s Edge

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Karen has been active in the rugby community for almost 20 years and knows firsthand what it takes to be successful at the highest levels of the game. Her rugby accolades include competing at the collegiate Division I level, being selected as a Collegiate All-American and National U-23 player, and currently serving as a top national referee and World Rugby Educator. She is the founder of The Ruggers Edge, a college advisory firm especially for rugby players.

Karen Fong Donoghue

Karen has been active in the rugby community for almost 20 years and knows firsthand what it takes to be successful at the highest levels of the game. Her rugby accolades include competing at the collegiate Division I level, being selected as a Collegiate All-American and National U-23 player, and currently serving as a top national referee and World Rugby Educator. She is the founder of The Ruggers Edge, a college advisory firm especially for rugby players.

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