Thanks, Coach Walker | St. Pat’s Tameiya Sadler’s #NeverStop Letter Thanks, Coach Walker | St. Pat’s Tameiya Sadler’s #NeverStop Letter
St. Patrick-St. Vincent All-NorCal Guard, Tameiya Sadler, Writes An Open Letter Of Thanks To Basketball Coach Nadine Walker For The #NeverStop Project • I’ve... Thanks, Coach Walker | St. Pat’s Tameiya Sadler’s #NeverStop Letter

St. Patrick-St. Vincent All-NorCal Guard, Tameiya Sadler, Writes An Open Letter Of Thanks To Basketball Coach Nadine Walker For The #NeverStop Project

I’ve had a number of amazing coaches throughout my years of playing basketball, but there will never be one as special as Coach Walker. 

Since I stepped foot on the campus of St. Patrick-St. Vincent High School, Coach Walker was my number one supporter; whether it was school, life or basketball she was always there.

Because to her, I was more than just her player; I was her family. She saw so much potential in me that I never saw in myself. She pushed me and molded me year after year because she knew what I was capable of. 

Walker is one of those coaches that are truly your mother/ best friend, and I am extremely grateful that she was a part of my journey. So here’s my letter to you, 

   Dear Coach Walker, 

   Thank you for truly being the best coach I’ve ever had. You were my best friend.

   I knew I could count on you for anything whether it was rides, food, or just someone to talk to. You’ve always been honest with me and have been there for me since Day One. 

   Over the last four years, we built a bond that I will cherish forever. You were like my second mom outside of basketball. I just want to thank you for putting up with me all four years of my high school career. If it wasn’t for you, I would not be the player that I am today. You pushed me to the best of my abilities and never turned your back on me. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, and always had my best interest in mind. I appreciate everything that you have done for me, not only in basketball, but also life in general. 

   You and the program you’ve created provided me a home outside of my home. We were a family and I am grateful for every bond that I’ve created. But unfortunately, all good things come to an end. And although I am not happy with the way it ended, I’m glad I ended it with you. 

   Thank you for allowing me to wear a Lady Bruins jersey and write my story with you. I love you, Walker, and I am eternally grateful to call you my coach and myself a Lady Bruin. 

   Once a Bruin always a Bruin, 2 out.

Tameiya Sadler, Coach Walker, Basketball

(Chace Bryson photos)

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Tameiya Sadler

Tameiya Sadler was a four-year varsity player for St. Patrick-St. Vincent High in Vallejo. She was recently named 2nd Team All-NorCal by SportStars Magazine. She will continue her playing career at the University of Washington in the fall.

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