Recruiting Assistance | Help Give A Deserving Athlete A Boost Recruiting Assistance | Help Give A Deserving Athlete A Boost
NCVA Teams Up With Next College Student Athlete Services To Offer Coaches A Chance To Nominate Player For Recruiting Assistance Reward • Summer vacation... Recruiting Assistance | Help Give A Deserving Athlete A Boost

NCVA Teams Up With Next College Student Athlete Services To Offer Coaches A Chance To Nominate Player For Recruiting Assistance Reward •

Summer vacation is here, but that doesn’t mean student-athletes should take a break from the athletic recruiting process altogether. In fact, the summer months provide a great opportunity for student-athletes to focus their attention on their recruiting journey and competing at the next level.

Recruiting assistance can be complicated — and costly — which is why the Northern California Volleyball Association teamed up with Next College Student Athlete (NCSA) to make it easier for volleyball student-athletes to find their best college match, regardless of their financial situation.

NCSA’s team is committed to making college sports accessible to all student-athletes through their give-back program, the All In Award™.

Every All In Award™ recipient receives access to a FREE MVP membership package so they have optimal recruiting assistance and guidance throughout their journey.

The NCSA All In Award™ is the cornerstone of its give-back mission. The award is given to deserving student-athletes who:

• Demonstrate financial need
• Meet standard NCSA academic and athletic qualifications
• Have a strong desire to play collegiate athletics
• Are committed to leverage their athletic talent to improve their life

Nominate a deserving athlete, by filling out a nomination form.

Instructions on how your athletes can submit their own All in Award application can be found here. Under “Explain how/who you spoke to about the All In Award” ask your athletes to write “NCVA – 2022 Email Invite”

The All In Award is not exclusive to volleyball athletes. Those who compete in other sports, and fit the criteria listed above, should be encouraged to apply.

Questions about the All In Award, application process or MVP membership? Send the NCSA All In Award team a note at [email protected].


Chace Bryson

Chace Bryson is the managing editor of SportStars Magazine. Reach him at [email protected]

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