Here we are at the start of the fall sport season and with it comes the start of football. The hottest topic in football these days is concussions. Whether it is in the NFL or at the high school level or down to Pop Warner, concussions are being discussed.... Read more
How important is the administration when it comes to the success of a high school athletic program? C.K., Walnut Creek   Yes, that C.K. would be me, and when I saw Campolindo splashed on the cover of the last issue of SportStars, it made me want to make sure... Read more
When it comes to athletic lower body power development, the most important aspect is to increase the rate of force development of the extension of the three lower body joints. We call this “Triple Extension” of the ankle, knee, and hip.  Whenever someone tries to jump or sprint they... Read more
Two weeks ago I attended the Annual Summit for Athletic Revolution in Louisville. Athletic revolution is the franchise created by the IYCA, established to do exactly what the name implies, revolutionize the way we develop our young athletes. There were a lot of great speakers at the event, and... Read more
HEALTH WATCH: While out on a typical Sunday morning in the park, it is not uncommon to see people taking part in their weekend exercise routine. Particularly running. What is becoming increasingly common is to see individuals jogging down running paths and roads barefoot. Or at least  with “minimalist”... Read more
I play linebacker and I came off the bench last year, but there’s an open spot. Right now, though, the coaches love this other guy who’s a great weightlifter. I’m a better football player, though, but I’m afraid I won’t get a chance because the other guy has better... Read more
It seems nowadays parents and coaches are more confused than ever on how to improve their athlete’s conditioning. More and more, we are seeing a prescription of shorter, higher intensity conditioning and a complete misuse of aerobic conditioning — if it’s done at all.  The rationale has been that... Read more
From my experience working with speed athletes and sprinters on the Berkeley High track and field team, certain injuries occur time and again, and they are preventable if spotted and addressed early.  Two injuries that have a distinct relationship with each other are hip flexor strains and hamstring strains.... Read more
 Have you ever tried to reach for your water bottle, and not been able to put it back?   Drinking from your water bottle and returning it to the holder is actually a very complicated, multi-piece skill, with progressions. Even seasoned riders have trouble with this skill when in adverse conditions such... Read more
In this issue’s column I want to share a recent article I received from Mike Boyle, owner of Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning. He is one of the top Strength and Conditioning Coaches in the world and someone who has had a big impact over my career on how... Read more