When Should My Athlete / Child Start Lifting Weights?
When should my athlete / child start lifting weights? That’s a question I get almost weekly from parents who know their kid needs to add strength to get better at their sport. But they don’t know when it’s ok to get them started in lifting. The short answer is,... Read more
Prepare in the Weight Room for What Happens on Field
RESISTENCE With this season starting, something is happening for those players out there banging around. It’s time to prepare in the weight room for what going to happens on the field. We’re finally into football season! If you’re like me, you pretty much set your year around this season.... Read more
Speed vs Strength: How To Maximize Both For Best Results
Why Choose? Speed vs Strength? Here’s How To Maximize Both. So everyone is looking to increase their speed in sports. Speed is still king. There are two primary ways to do that. 1) You work on your speed mechanics and move more efficiently. 2) You increase your strength. In... Read more
Are Barefoot Shoes Good for Your Training?
There has been a rise in the “barefoot” shoe concept by a lot of shoe manufacturers. New Balance Minimus, Nike Free’s, Vibram’s… all have joined the revolution. So the question naturally is, Are Barefoot Shoes Good for Your Training? My advice: Use Minimal Walking Shoes (or socks) in Moderation... Read more