HEALTH WATCH: How does Icy Hot work to actually relieve muscle pain quickly?
I asked a group of high school athletes to list their most pressing questions about sports and health. Surprisingly, the most frequently asked questions were, “How does Icy Hot work? What are the benefits of Icy Hot and is Icy Hot good for sore muscles?” This group consists of student-athletes who... Read more
How to Avoid Foot or Ankle Injuries While Running on the Beach
Six tips for your next jaunt by the sea to keep your feet and ankles injury free. We live in California so why not capitalize on the beauty of the beach while enjoying the strength-enhancing workout of running on the beach. Running on the beach can strengthen your ankle... Read more
Nutritional Keys to Optimal Athletic Performance
These Twins Can Help You Win! Here’s my take on the nutritional key to optimal athletic performance: The One Thing that changes everything is Nutrition. Precise nutrition is the single optimizer of health and performance. We are what we eat! The tough thing is that there are a zillion... Read more
3 Things to Know to Outperform Your Competition
The grind is real. When you’re training to compete your competition is training to win. Train to win, play to win, and implement recovery to top off your game and help you build deeper capacity for performance. Too many athletes overly focus on the active aspects of training. They... Read more
Knee Knowledge
Exploring The Possibilities When Injury Occurs With the summer in full swing, fall sports are right around the corner. With the initiation of the fall sports season, clinicians see a tremendous increase in the number of joint injuries; particularly around the knee. The knee is a tremendously powerful joint... Read more
HEALTH WATCH: While out on a typical Sunday morning in the park, it is not uncommon to see people taking part in their weekend exercise routine. Particularly running. What is becoming increasingly common is to see individuals jogging down running paths and roads barefoot. Or at least  with “minimalist”... Read more
Nutrition | Dr. Mo    We have all seen the explosion of energy drinks in the last decade. With many new brand names such as Red Bull, Rock Star and Monster becoming common fixtures at the grocery store, are they all the same? Use of energy drinks has also... Read more
Is Asthma Triggered by Exercise?
Every Breath You Take  Is there a form of asthma triggered by exercise? Yep. Here’s what you need to know Many athletes who think they are out of shape, may, in fact, be suffering from symptoms of exercise induced bronchospasm (EIB). EIB, which occurs in 10 to 20 percent... Read more