It’s Important to Stay Fit While Staying at Home
Staying at Home Doesn’t Mean Boredom. Or flabby muscles! Dr. Shah tells us how to stay fit while staying at home! Current shelter-in-place orders have created significant struggles for each household. While it is easy to get bogged down with negative thoughts, it is better to focus on the... Read more
GPP- Maximizing Performance: In-Season Training
GPP, General Physical Preparation, is a key for maximum performance. The competitive, or “in-season” phase of the football season begins with the first week of practice in August and ends the day after the last game. During the competitive phase, the goal is to continue to allow you to... Read more
Peak Performance Training: Right Place, Right Time
Understanding How To Maximize Your Training So You Can Play Your Best Comes Down to Peaking In my last post, I shared the training concept called periodization. The idea of sectioning your training time and setting specific goals during each section of time. We reviewed the four phases to... Read more
How to Maximize Performance Training Time
Stop Wasting Your Time. Start Maximizing Your PerformanceTraining Time It’s all about time management. None of us have time to waste. Especially performance training time that should lead to peaking at just the right moment! The development of a properly outlined training regimen has a tremendous effect on an... Read more
Training for Performance: Reaching a Core Understanding
Core Training for Performance Today we cover core training for performance with the intention of giving an understanding of what it is, why it’s important, and how it not only improves performance, but can go a long way in reducing injuries. When I go off site for team training,... Read more
Repetitive Strain: Ankle Insurance Program for Optimal Performance
To get your athlete performing optimally we need to take a proactive approach. This helps to counteract the stress that is placed on the ankle joint. Here’s my Ankle Insurance Program for Optimal Performance against Repetitive Strain. Sports are extremely stressful to the body, and the ankle joint is no exception.... Read more
Fueling Up: 6 Strategies to Proper Nutrition
Training Time: Six strategies to proper nutrition for the high-performing athlete.  Do you know what types of things athletes have to do to improve their health, body composition and performance? As a Precision Nutrition Master Level 2 coach I get the most up to date, scientific based researched and... Read more
Are Barefoot Shoes Good for Your Training?
There has been a rise in the “barefoot” shoe concept by a lot of shoe manufacturers. New Balance Minimus, Nike Free’s, Vibram’s… all have joined the revolution. So the question naturally is, Are Barefoot Shoes Good for Your Training? My advice: Use Minimal Walking Shoes (or socks) in Moderation... Read more
TRAINING TIME: Speed Requires Proper Recovery
There’s a fine line between condition training and speed training. And this requires proper recovery. If athletes are going to increase their speed, quickness and agility they must train at high speeds. Many times coaches keep the drills too long and the rest too short. This simply becomes a conditioning... Read more
Instinctive Athleticism: Top 3 Steps Improving Biomechanics
Plyo steps happen naturally to help the body produce force, but improving certain biomechanics can make it more effective. Training Time: Tim Rudd for IYCA The plyo step (see video below) is a movement that the body does instinctively to get your body in optimal acceleration angles — out of... Read more