POWERED BY TRUCKS: ANTHONY TRUCKS     Around this time of the year I start getting tons of questions about fat loss from clients. Want...


   Around this time of the year I start getting tons of questions about fat loss from clients. Want to know what my answer is? Eat better and LIFT MORE. Now I know that’s not what most people would expect to hear, and I bet you’re thinking I’m only saying that because I’m the weight lifting guy, but guess what, it’s TRUE.

   Your body is an amazing organism and if you know how it works you can get more out of it. Physiologically speaking, the more lean muscle mass you have on your body, the higher your resting heart rate and metabolism. How do you get that muscle mass? By lifting weights. You body uses fat, carbs, and protein for fuel. If you eliminate fat and starchy carb intake then your body will have body fat and lean muscle to choose from. If you do workouts that deteriorate your muscles then your body won’t consume the protein needed to regenerate it.

   Many people go to the gyms and spend 17 hours on a treadmill and the second they get off they’re DONE burning any calories. Whereas if they were to strength train they could be burning calories and fat up to 48 hours post workout. Not to mention that if you choose to you can minimize the rest period during your strength training sessions to increase your stamina and cardiovascular health.

   The benefits of strength training/lifting for fat loss instead of using cardio equipment are so lopsided it’s crazy. So get off the hamster wheels and brave this new found workout world to FINALLY get the results you’re looking for. 


Anthony Trucks is the owner of Trucks Training facility in Brentwood and covers weight training for SportStars.

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