Key is to Work on Your Explosiveness and Power Key is to Work on Your Explosiveness and Power
You often hear “speed kills…” …and if you caught any of the World Cup 7s in San Francisco, you know this is especially true.... Key is to Work on Your Explosiveness and Power

You often hear “speed kills…”

…and if you caught any of the World Cup 7s in San Francisco, you know this is especially true. Watch these videos featuring the best tries in rugby, these from the RWC7sRugby is a game of stops and starts, and therefore, not only is increasing your overall speed important, the key is to work on your explosiveness and power.

And moving quickly from point A to point B.

In the high school game, I often see students doing a lot of strength training or building endurance on long runs.

Obviously there are a few moments when you might be asked to run 50, 60, 70+ meters for a try. But typically, most runs are short; within 5-10 meters through a gap before you offload to a teammate. With this quickness of speed in mind, check out some of my favorite videos to inspire you to do some exercises on your own to build up your speed.

Feature image, USA Eagle Perry Baker – Photo Credit:

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Karen has been active in the rugby community for almost 20 years and knows firsthand what it takes to be successful at the highest levels of the game. Her rugby accolades include competing at the collegiate Division I level, being selected as a Collegiate All-American and National U-23 player, and currently serving as a top national referee and World Rugby Educator. She is the founder of The Ruggers Edge, a college advisory firm especially for rugby players.

Karen Fong Donoghue

Karen has been active in the rugby community for almost 20 years and knows firsthand what it takes to be successful at the highest levels of the game. Her rugby accolades include competing at the collegiate Division I level, being selected as a Collegiate All-American and National U-23 player, and currently serving as a top national referee and World Rugby Educator. She is the founder of The Ruggers Edge, a college advisory firm especially for rugby players.

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