Campers must be Ages 5-6 (by December 1, 2017) in order to register for this camp held at Strawberry Canyon Recreation Center.
Explorer Camp is a highly structured and active camp. Campers take part in approximately eight 30-minute fun-filled activities each day, including swimming lessons. Swimming may not be offered for the one week camps. Specialized instructors, with the support from your child’s group leader, teach the activities. Most activities take place outdoors at Strawberry Canyon Rec Area. This schedule is designed to provide just the right amount of time developmentally for our young campers to maintain their focus during the activities.
Each camp session features an exciting theme. Past themes have included: Country Western, Wild African Safari, Outer Space, Under the Sea, and Storybook.
To encourage learning, a camper’s activity schedule stays the same for the entire session. Care is taken to include a balance of high intensity activities (e.g. soccer or rugby) and low intensity activities (e.g. arts and crafts or yoga) throughout the day.
Berkeley, CA 94704