BigO Tyres

Camp Rocks!* - SportStars Magazine
Our camps offer unique life experiences designed to help girls discover and develop themselves. Within a safe and supportive environment, girls participate in activities that develop skills, build self-esteem, and provide a sense of accomplishment. The programs are well-rounded and are appropriate to the age, interests, and abilities of the campers. Info: 1-800-447-4475 X 209

What makes our camps so special is the connection experienced with new friends, the support of a trained staff, and outdoor experiences that provide progression, challenge and FUN, all in a place just for girls! Whether a girl is a first-time or experienced camper, Girl Scouts of Northern California has a summer camp program that’s right for her.

Different types of camps and programs are available during the summer. You’ll find information on all the council run Resident Camps- Bothin near Marin, Skylark Ranch near Santa Cruz, and Sugar Pine near Arnold.

Camp Rocks!*
Camp Dates
Camp Rocks!* - Bothin
Camp Rocks!* - Hidden Falls
Camp Rocks!* - Sugar Pine