Come join any of our eight Dianne Adair summer sites for our fun and exciting summer program. Each week campers will be able to choose from several camps, including sports, fashion, drama, CSI, science and so many more. In addition to our weekly camps, we have weekly field trips to places like an A's or Giant's game, museums, the Jelly Belly Factory, Six Flags, the pool, the movies, parks and the Zoo. We also offer many "in-house" field trips like Games2U Mobile Entertainment, the Bubble Lady, Furs, Skins and Tails, magicians, clowns, singers and many more. Field trips and camps vary by site. Please consult your site of choice for more details. Once registered, your child may attend at any time with no minimum. You can choose from weekly, daily and hourly rates to best suit your needs. Finally, we also offer licensed pre-kindergarten programs which focus on supporting children in becoming independent and confident learners, through our unique curriculum that respects each child’s individual development. Your child must be 3-years old and potty-trained to participate. The pre-k program is aligned with MDUSD’s kindergarten standards. The program is offered five day a week from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with daily and weekly rates available. Offers and rates may vary at any of our nine locations. Info: Todd Porter, Chief Executive Director (925) 429-3232; [email protected]