We offer all of this value and depth of programming wrapped in a fun summer camp sports experience. This is a high activity camp, not lecture based, where campers get to have hands on leadership experiences while still having a focus on summer camp fun! (Offered in
Mountain View, Los Gatos, San Jose, and Fremont)
Summer is Coming Fast so Sign up NOW for the best summer sports camp in the Bay Area! Bald Eagle Camps offers THREE summer camp programs; Multi-sports, Basketball, and JumpOUT Leadership Camp. All include Creative Programming, an Healthy SNACK & LUNCH, Positive Coaching Alliance messaging, Full/Half day options & Extended Care 8AM-6PM.
Reminder....Go Bald Early Reg Discount ends MARCH 1ST. Be sure to sign up now and save big bucks on summer camp!
Lunch is INCLUDED! That's right! The price of registration now INCLUDES SNACK AND LUNCH! Say good-bye to packing lunches this summer for your child is guaranteed a healthy snack and lunch Mon-Thurs (Fri is half day so snack only). Campers can bring their own or food have it provided by Taste Nutrition at no extra charge!
Snack for all campers. Lunch for Full Day campers only
Bald Eagle Camps is guaranteed to be a highlight of your child’s summer. Info (888) 505-BALD (2253); team@baldeaglecamps.com