HEALTH WATCH: DANIEL KAMENETZKY     The analysis of the interaction between the foot and the ground during running is critical in understanding many of the injuries associated with this activity and its efficiency during competition.    How does the first contact occur during landing? What is the total area... Read more
SCAPULA STRENGTHENING: JUSTIN DUDLEY     It is common to hear coaches, athletes, therapists and trainers refer to “scapula strengthening.” What does this really mean and why is it important? In order to understand the importance of scapula function, we need to quickly review the basic anatomy of the scapula and... Read more
POWERED BY TRUCKS: ANTHONY TRUCKS     Around this time of the year I start getting tons of questions about fat loss from clients. Want to know what my answer is? Eat better and LIFT MORE. Now I know that’s not what most people would expect to hear, and I... Read more
EVERY DAY HEALTH: KENT MERCER     Jayne Appel, center for the San Antonio Silver Stars and graduate of Carondelet-Concord and Stanford, is the best passing post in the WNBA, and she dishes out great advice to high school athletes who would follow in her All-Star footsteps. For instance, staying... Read more
GET MENTAL: ERIKA CARLSON     If you are one of the hundreds of athletes who’s been in my office looking to improve your performance, than you’ve heard me say this, “The skill that transforms good athletes to great athletes is imagery.” Scientific studies provide us with evidence that athletes... Read more
HEALTH WATCH: MIKEL JACKSON     A couple weeks ago, a coach friend of mine told me about a sport injury he had that wasn’t going away. He had been scrimmaging with his basketball team when he had felt a sharp pain behind his calf and had to sit down.... Read more
POWERED BY TRUCKS: ANTHONY TRUCKS      Most people don’t understand the purpose of core training.    Most think the purpose is to attract the opposite gender, when in reality it’s to keep the body capable of transferring force throughout the entire kinetic chain (from feet to head and/... Read more


Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

TRISTEPS: LIZ ELLIOTT    It’s a great time to get out and ride – Here’s how to be safe     The weather will stay nice enough through October to get out and ride, and you should get out there!! As the summer rounds off and fall begins, kids and... Read more
   A torn ACL is one of the most serious injuries a football player can suffer. Besides having to possibly sit out the season, play- ers may face loss of scholarship funding and long-term problems from the painful joint condition osteoarthritis.    Most ACL injuries do not occur from... Read more

After the tear

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

BY: DR. NIRAV K. PANDYA        With high school sports season rounding into full swing, there will naturally be an increase in the number of ACL injuries in our clinic.    One of the questions patients frequently ask is which type of ACL graft should be used... Read more
BY: DR. NIRAV K. PANDYA  Treatment of ACL injuries in young athletes often needs to allow for the child’s potential for more growth     With the rapid increase in single-sport specialization among children, orthopedic providers have seen a tremendous rise in the number of adult-type injuries in our young... Read more
BY: HUNTER GREENE, M.D.     The rotator cuff is composed of four relatively small muscles in the shoulder that keep the ball of the shoulder joint in place. The job may sound simple, but the tremendous force of throwing and overhead sports puts great strain on those muscles. If... Read more