   Don’t wait for a suspected concussion to have your brain scanned     It’s hard to make the concussion statistics any scarier than they already are. Millions of traumatic brain injuries occur each year in sports and recreation-related activities. Many concussions are difficult to detect and many athletes underreport... Read more
   GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson    Do your technical skills matter? Of course. How much time do you spend developing those skills? Most high school/youth athletes spend an average of 10 hours per week practicing and competing at their sport. If you do additional work with specialized technical... Read more
   While dynamic warm-ups are taught more and more, static stretching can still be very effective.  Health Watch : Jamie Faison    I was working at an Elementary School Field Day last week, and I was teaching the students about the importance of warm-up and stretching before exercises. When... Read more

Beat The Heat

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

   Summer tips for outdoor endurance training  TriSTEPS : Liz Elliott    Woohoo, it’s summer! Bring on the summer heat and training.      Most endurance athletes “” especially triathletes “” spend a lot of our time training and racing in the heat of the day.      For... Read more
   Believe it or not, many athletes may not reach their goals because they fear the pressure success might create   GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson    As athletes, we dream of one day cashing in on all the blood, sweat and tears for the glory of our sport.... Read more
   Following these simple eating guidelines could dramatically improve your health and performance  TRAINING TIME : Tim Rudd for IYCA    Do you know the types of things athletes must do to improve their health, body composition and performance? As a Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach, I have the... Read more

Avoid the ER

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

   Many common sports injuries can be treated at urgent orthopedic care facilities with much less hassle than a hospital. GETTING TREATED : By Hunter Greene, M.D.     Broken bones, sprains and other injuries happen when we least expect them: on the playing field, on the job, and even... Read more
   It’s time to show off the body you’ve been building, but don’t forget proper maintenance. POWERED BY TRUCKS: Anthony Trucks    As I write this on the official first day of summer, it’s officially time to show off the body those weights and exercising have developed. With that... Read more

Pitch Prep

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

   Three main areas for soccer players to focus on in their offseason training. TRAINING TIME: Tim Rudd for IYCA     The 2014 World Cup is in full swing and I can’t think of a better time to cover the importance of offseason training for soccer.    If athletes... Read more

Knee Knowledge

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

   Work on lowering your ACL injury risks next season by using these approaches this summer KNEE HEALTH : Hunter Greene, M.D.    A torn ACL is one of the most serious injuries a football player can suffer. Besides having to possibly sit out the season, players may face... Read more

Build Back Up

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

HEALTH WATCH By Michelle Cappello    With the World Cup rounding into full swing, we are watching the most elite soccer athletes playing consecutive matches in the heat of the Brazilian winter. Here at home, with our summer soccer programs in full swing, we are seeing our young soccer... Read more

Get Hip

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

Hip Pain : Hunter Greene, M.D.    Hip arthroscopy is fast becoming one of the most popular procedures in sports medicine. New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez and Olympic sprinter Tyson Gay both had the surgery to fix a torn labrum and impingement. Both quickly returned to their respective... Read more