GET MENTAL : Erika Carlson    Leadership is huge factor in sport success. It’s a common myth that leaders are born, not made. The fact is, effective leaders have a specific set of skills. And, contrary to popular beliefs, there are a variety of personalities that can lead effectively. ... Read more
Health Watch : Dr. Nirav K. Pandya    With sports season in full swing, many athletes begin to feel the aches and pains of competition adding up. The decision to play with nagging injuries can become confusing when attempting to balance multiple different factors: parents, coaches, teammates, and even... Read more

Head Strong

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

   California is generally known as being “cutting edge” for new technology and environmental awareness.  However we are far behind the east coast in regards to the evaluation and management of suspected concussion in the adolescent athlete.  Luckily Governor Brown recently signed legislation aimed at filling in some gaps.... Read more
TRAINING TIME : Tim Rudd of IYCA    I ended my most recent column describing the importance of improving both the anaerobic (without oxygen) and aerobic (conditioning) systems for most team field and court sports.     The reason I’m discussing team sports is simple, they tend to fall in... Read more
   Giving proper attention to strengthening the rotator cuff muscles may save you from severe shoulder injuries down the road.  Powered By Truck : Anthony Trucks    For those who may not be aware of my football and NFL career, I was forced to retire due to shoulder injuries. ... Read more
   Race reports can be one of the biggest tools for young “” and veteran “” endurance athletes  TriSTEPS : Liz Elliott    Congratulations on completing your first race. So what now? Start with a race report.     Write down everything that happened from the start of the race to... Read more
   Swimmers rely heavily on their shoulders, and should take care of them accordingly.  Swimming Health : Hunter Greene, M.D.    Often swimming thousands of yards in the pool each day, swimmers put a great deal of stress on their shoulders. As a result, shoulder injuries are very common... Read more

Growing Pains

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

   Young athletes often look forward to their growth spurt, but it’s also a time to be cautious.  Health Watch : Dr. Nirav K. Pandya    With summer right around the corner, many young athletes wonder, “Is this the summer that I am going to grow six inches?”    ... Read more
   Whole body fitness training improves a golfer’s swing and score, while greatly reducing risk of injury Golf Fitness : Dr. Charles F. Preston    Like the PGA pros they want to emulate, young golfers are paying more attention to their fitness level to improve their game. Much like... Read more
   In the last of a three-part series, our resident trainer explains how speed training starts with getting stiff and can end with making the play. Training Time | Tim Rudd for IYCA    This column is the last installment to a three-part Leaning Tower Series. As explained in... Read more
PART I “” April 2014 issue PART II “” May 2014 issue PART III “” June 2014 issue Read more

Show, or GO

Health & Fitness February 13, 2012 0

  The best weight training and fitness program for you boils down to how you want to use your muscles.   Powered by Trucks | Anthony Trucks   With so many ways now to train your body, from DVD programs, phone apps, crossfit, gym classes, personal training, bootcamps, the... Read more