New Year, New Opportunities in Sports Training
It’s finally here…2021! This will be a year of transitions and adjusting to our “new normal.” It is my hope that this year provides opportunity for all athletes to get back to what they love to do! New Year, New Opportunities in Sports Training. Lets do this! We made... Read more
Mt. Diablo High | Origin Stories To Red Devils’ Sports Facilities
Series By The Clayton Pioneer Digs Into The Names Behind School Sports Facilities, Starting With Mt. Diablo High, Concord’s Original • Mt. Diablo High School opened in 1901 and its rich athletic history includes championship teams and outstanding athletes like Dan Colchico, who played for the San Francisco 49ers... Read more
Athlete Season Performance Evaluations
Mental training for elite athletes means you must do a post season performance evaluation. Post season evaluations are a necessity for peak performance. During a sports season and even now during this pandemic, there are inevitable ups and downs. Every player can think back to great moments on the... Read more
Livermore High Wrestling New Book Available
The storied Livermore Cowboys wrestling tradition is also a family tradition, say brothers Al and Arron Fontes, owners of The California Wrestler blog. Al is a wrestling insider here at SportStars Magazine. He says, the following is a link to our new book (a yearbook actually chronicling 1963 to... Read more
GPP- Maximizing Performance: In-Season Training
GPP, General Physical Preparation, is a key for maximum performance. The competitive, or “in-season” phase of the football season begins with the first week of practice in August and ends the day after the last game. During the competitive phase, the goal is to continue to allow you to... Read more
Peak Performance Training: Right Place, Right Time
Understanding How To Maximize Your Training So You Can Play Your Best Comes Down to Peaking In my last post, I shared the training concept called periodization. The idea of sectioning your training time and setting specific goals during each section of time. We reviewed the four phases to... Read more
What’s the most important concept to teach an athlete? Confidence.
Parent Q: What is the single most important concept that you teach your students? A: Confidence is the Key!!! Confidence is the glue that allows you to hold on to difficult subject matter. The single most important concept that I teach my kids is confidence. I might be an... Read more
How to Maximize Performance Training Time
Stop Wasting Your Time. Start Maximizing Your PerformanceTraining Time It’s all about time management. None of us have time to waste. Especially performance training time that should lead to peaking at just the right moment! The development of a properly outlined training regimen has a tremendous effect on an... Read more
Grads Focus on Technique, Mobility at “The Foundation”
Building On Movement Technique, Proper Mobility Are Focal Points Of College Park Football Grads Who Co-Own Concord’s The Foundation training facility Daniel Adler’s training facility is known as The Foundation: House of Movement for a good reason. His goal is to get young athletes to move the right way.... Read more
Call it What You Will, This is What All Athletes Strive For
The Athletes Paragon There’s a new term for it every few years. Currently it’s “high-functioning athlete.” But “elite athlete”, “superstar”, “baller”… all fit the bill. Cal QB standout, Coach Mike Pawlawski says, regardless of the vernacular, it’s the paragon all athletes strive for. To be so good that you... Read more
World Series Keep You From a Good Night’s Sleep?
In the wake of this years’ World Series, late nights watching the big game on TV or at the stadium are inevitable. As we closed in on the final games of the World Series, a sleep expert at the Baylor College of Medicine asked, are there ways to feel... Read more
Farm to Table: What’s The Best Produce to Eat in October?
What’s The Best Produce to Eat in October? Try eating Farm to Table. We often get stuck in a rut, eating the same old foods day after day, week after week. Studies show that our grocery lists have the same foods on them time after time after time. This... Read more