Fortify Your Wins With Your “Why”
Graduation, good grades, sports and athletic accomplishments make up our society’s “coming of age rituals” and “rites of passage.” We prize academic and athletic performance as a measure of our physical and intellectual abilities, personal value, and even our self-worth. Winning is important, and here is a different perspective... Read more
5 Exercises Every Golfer Needs in Their Bag
5 Exercises Every Golfer Needs in Their Bag High draw, no problem. Stinger, got it. Low fade, easy. You may have all of those shots in the bag. But do you know how you move your body to produce that power stinger? You might think the golf club is... Read more
5 Steps to Create an Environment for Kids to Succeed or Fail
Our Children Are Amazing, So Why Do We Keep Messing With Them? As parents, way too often we tend to fixate on our children’s failures. We look at their grades, their inability to hit a baseball or make a basket as failure, rather than focusing on their effort and... Read more
How To Gain Total Physiological Control
If you’ve watched my previous videos (four of them so far), you know more than probably 90% of all parent-coaches about controlling ones mind for optimum sports performance. This is not an exaggeration. You would be shocked to learn (as I have) how little coaches know about the human mind as it relates... Read more
Exclusive: Want Your Kids to Learn Self-Motivation?
Follow through and commitment? How about achieving their goals? In our ongoing dialogue about self-motivation, how do you motivate your kid to want to do what it takes to achieve their goals? It’s a big question, isn’t it? You can only remind them so many times before it sounds... Read more
Learning the R.A.C.E. Formula to Perform to Your Potential
If you’re still with me in this ongoing conversation, you clearly connect with the messages I’ve been espousing, that young basketball players, like Tod, are carrying around mental/emotional baggage that interferes with ones ability to perform to your potential. Remember this equation:  Performance = Potential – Interference Let’s talk about some typical... Read more
Basketball Performance = Potential – Interference
In our ongoing dialogue on basketball performance entitled, “What you don’t really understand about your kid”, We left off the last email just about to go into C. in my R.A.C.E. Formula with Tod, my game-changing 14 y/o basketball player who inspired me to create all of this. C = Clear... Read more
A Mental Toughness Trainers’ Biggest Mistake By An Athlete
Before becoming the mental toughness trainer, I played a lot of sports, especially golf.  (I still do) In addition, as I look back at what held me back (not just in sports, but in life), most it was this:  The need to control! (The opposite of trusting yourself and your skills.) Remember the formula... Read more
Get The Most From Workouts: 3 Step Ladder of Success Formula
A Formula To Get The Most From Workouts In the next five minutes you’re going to find out three specific steps you can take to get the most out of each training session for the rest of your life. No matter who you are, you’re in training mode at... Read more
Building Confidence in Young Players: The “A” in RACE
We continue with Tod’s story. Confidence Part 2. See Part 1 of the Building Confidence in Young Players series: The RACE Formula This could easily be about dozens of boys or girls basketball players I’ve trained in just the same way. The next session he came in in a much better head... Read more
Nutrition’s Clean 15
Have you heard of nutrition’s “Clean 15”? Most athletes know that fruits and vegetables contain key nutrients to help them grow, recover and stay healthy. Produce has a high water content that helps keep athletes hydrated Also many are rich in carbohydrates which are great choices for pre-workout meals,... Read more
Level Up- When The Meniscus Shock Absorber Hurts
The dreaded swollen knee. As fall sports are in full swing we unfortunately see a large number of athletes who tumble to the ground; grabbing a knee in severe pain. Swelling in the knee indicates a joint which is aggravated and may have multiple forms of internal damage including... Read more