How To Quickly Let Go and Move on From Mistakes
There’s Value in Your Mistakes. Making mistakes are a valuable mode of learning in sport. Athletes spend a lot of time fearing mistakes and coaches spend a lot of time reprimanding players for making them. How do you move on from mistakes? Ironically, trying to avoid mistakes is a... Read more
How to Set a Goal, Plan to Reach it and Dream
“Doing easily what others find difficult is talent. Doing what is impossible for talent is genius.”~ Henri-Frederic Amiel Imagine Parents, Teachers, Coaches… if your athlete, player, or child that you so care about showed up with a DREAM — set a GOAL based on that DREAM and a plan to... Read more
What Coaches do to Develop You to Be Your Best
What does coach do to develop you to be your best? It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? Or better yet, to develop your kids to be the best version of themselves? I was interested in writing this blog because earlier in the week I saw a post that talked about... Read more
Mind Games. Why the Game is 90% Mental
“In the big leagues everyone has ability. It always comes down to mind games. Whoever is more mentally strong—wins.” Muhammad Ali Why the game is 90% mental and yet coaches and parents talk about it that way, yet fail to support ways to improve the student athlete mindset?  Because they just... Read more
3 C’s Of Improving Your Athletic Performance Video
The 3 C’s Of Improving Your Athletic Performance Get Mental with Erika Westoff, SportStars INSIDER• Over the years, I have had countless young athletes come into my office asking one simple question: “How can I improve my athletic performance?” The answer is simple: invest in Physical Training Insurance! What... Read more
How to Have A Champions Mindset
Earlier this year I was talking to a guy who I only know through passing. His daughter was doing a hitting lesson at Universal Sports Academy. As we chatted a little about softball, his team, our team and his daughter, he mentioned that she was struggling to drive the outside... Read more
Five Signs of a Sports Parent You Don’t Want to Become
In my last blog post, I addressed the 7 Attributes of Peak Performance. Today we’ll make a point of addressing the sports parent; specifically what I call, The Parent Role in Sports. Specifically, the parent you DON’T want to become. Lets start with signs and ideas on what you want, and... Read more
Mental Skills = Physical Training Insurance
Get Mental with Erika Westoff, SportStars INSIDER• In this month’s Get Mental column, we take a look at how mental skills becomes insurance for all the physical training you do. Athletes come into my office disappointed and fed up because they simply aren’t performing as well as they can.... Read more
How To Boost Your Child’s Mental Training For Rugby
Blast from the past – here’s a picture of me back in 2002 when I was at the height of my playing career. It was easy to find time to prioritize staying fit as a young adult. I virtually had no other obligations other than work, working out and... Read more
What it Means to be Committed
The term commitment is thrown around a lot in sports. It can be a tricky topic to address with coaches, players and parents. Especially since each may have their own definition and practice of what it means to be committed. Merriam-Webster simply defines commitment as, a promise to do... Read more
GET MENTAL: Mastering Motivation
There are different types of motivation; finding the right blend makes a difference.    What drives your motivation? Are you super competitive and always find a way to be the best on the field? Or are you a technique master who builds confidence through mastering your skills? Each type... Read more
GET MENTAL: Managing Mistakes
Volleyball is one of my favorite sports to watch live. It’s powerful, fast and requires laser-sharp focus. One of the most significant mental challenges of the game is managing mistakes – letting go of mistakes quickly. Mistakes are an incredibly important part of the learning process and they are... Read more