Mental Skills = Physical Training Insurance Mental Skills = Physical Training Insurance
Get Mental with Erika Westoff, SportStars INSIDER• In this month’s Get Mental column, we take a look at how mental skills becomes insurance for... Mental Skills = Physical Training Insurance

Get Mental with Erika Westoff, SportStars INSIDER•

In this month’s Get Mental column, we take a look at how mental skills becomes insurance for all the physical training you do.

Athletes come into my office disappointed and fed up because they simply aren’t performing as well as they can. They have worked hard and have great coaching. They are fit and knowledgeable about their sport. They are experienced and have had some pretty great moments on the field/court/course.

Despite the time, effort and even money, performance just isn’t where it needs to be. Why? What’s missing? Mental skills are missing. How do I know? Because, it’s the least practiced area of training! And your physical performance is dependent on your mental performance. 

I know you practice hours every week. You probably study your sport on TV or You Tube. You push yourself and prepare yourself.

Building mental skills, is a valuable insurance policy for your physical and technical skills.

Think about it for a moment…

Reflect back on your best performance of all time, or even a few of your recent best performances. How was your mental performance?

I’d be willing to bet that your mind was relatively calm, your confidence was high and performing well felt easier than usual.

This is what strong mental performance feels like, and it allows you to fully access your physical and technical skills that you’ve been training in practice.

Your ability to access and execute your physical and technical skills is left to chance without mental skills. Some days you can and some days you can’t.

Do you find yourself frustrated or disappointed knowing you can perform better than you did?

Do you feel like you lack of control over how to create your best days?

Do you strive for consistency, but not sure how to make it happen?

Consider if mental training is a good fit for you, if this describes you.

Erika Westhoff is a CEO and certified mental trainer at EW Performance in Pleasanton.

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Mental Training, Strategy, Planning With Purpose Produces Positives. Sports Training.

Erika Westhoff

Erika Westhoff is the CEO and certified mental trainer at EW Performance in Pleasanton, CA. She has been a contributing author to SportStars since 2010.

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